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dea7 #1

Posts: 27

12. Sep 2007. 00:20:14

moze biti ispravna i neispravna

ISPRAVNA – ima za cilj da se zastiti nesto sto je nama drago…
NEISPRAVNA – kao zavist i SUMNJA…

Ako se odmah ne savlada taj osecaj ljubomore lako moze prerasti u neki oblik nenaklonosti ili mrznje …. koji nas opseda i razara polako… narusava nas mir i kvari sustinu naseg bica… stvarajuci koroziju na nasem srcu cineci ga neprikladnim za ljubav....

Umete li prepoznati sopstvenu ljubomoru i sta cinite u tom trenutku?

zasto jednostavno, kada moze komplikovano.....

Posts: 1166

12. Sep 2007. 05:26:35
Ja se fokusiram na ljubav

koju imam i koju mogu da ponudim ljudima. Medjutim izuzetno mi je interesantna teme jer to moze da bude odgovor na komentra koji sam danas dobila od jednog forumasa... naime rekao mi je da sam drska i bezosjecajna i da me NIKO na forumu nevoli(sto je naravno njegovo misljenje)... Ova tema je pravi odgovor izgleda na taj njegov komentar Mislim da je izgleda kod nekog korozija na srcu zauzela mah

Enjoyment is not a goal, it is a feeling that accompanies important ongoing

ice_away #3

Posts: 1860

12. Sep 2007. 10:23:59
tupljenje do daske

ljubomorni su svi forumasi na haljinu vecite kume Njena dusa inace odise toplotom

Poz za Sanjina

U dobru se ne ponesi, u zlu se ne ponizi!
dea7 #4

Posts: 27

14. Sep 2007. 13:01:39
"11 minuta" P.Koeljo

"..Beshe jednom jedna ptica.I beshe ukrashena parom savrshenih krila i svetlucavim,sharenim i chudesnim perjem.Najzad,beshe to zhivotinja stvorena da leti slobodno na nebu,i da raduje svakoga ko bi je pogledao.

Jednog dana,jedna zhena vide pticu i zaljubi se u nju.Posmatrashe njen let usta otvorenih od chuda,dok joj je srce brzo lupalo,a ochi sjajile od uzbudjenja.

Pozva je da lete zajedno,i obe putovashe nebom u potpunom skladu.Zhena se divila,obozhavala i slavila pticu.

Ali onda pomisli:mozhda ptica zheli da upozna daleke planine!I zhena se uplashi.Uplashi se da se nikada nece osecati isto s nekom drugom pticom.I oseti ljubomoru na sposobnost letenja koje je ptica imala.

I oseti se usamljenom.

I pomisli:"Spremicu zamku!Chim se p[tica sledeci put pojavi,nikada vishe nece otici."

Ptica,koja je takodje bila zaljubljena,ponovo dodje sledeceg dana,upade u zamku,i ostade zarobljena u kavezu.

Svakog dana gledala je pticu.Tamo beshe predmet njene strasti,i ona ju je pokazivala svojim prijateljicama,koje primetishe:"Ti si osoba koja ima sve." U medjuvremenu,pochela je da se dogadja neobichna promena:kako je pticu posedovala,i vishe nije imala potrebu da je osvaja,poche da gubi interesovanje za nju.Ptica,ne mogavshi da leti i izrazi svoja zhivotna osecanja,poche da bledi,gubi sjaj,postade ruzhna-i zhena joj vishe nije poklanjala pazhnju,osim dok ju je hranila i chistila kavez.

Jednog dana ,ptica uginu.Ona se duboko rastuzhi,i zhivot je provodila misleci na nju.Ali,nije se secala kaveza,vec samo onog dana kada ju je ugledala prvi put kako leti zadovoljna medju oblacima.

I kada bi samu sebe osmotrila,shvatila bi da je ono shto ju je toliko dirnulo bila ptichija sloboda,snaga krila u porkretu,a ne na njeno fizichko telo.

Bez ptice,njen zhivot je izgubio smisao,i smrt pokuca na njena vrata:"Zashto si doshla?" upita ona smrt.

"Da bi ponovo mogla da letish na nebu zajedno sa pticom",odgovori smrt."Da si joj dozvolila da zauvek leti,volela bi je josh vishe;ali sada sam ti ja potrebna da bi je ponovo srela."

zasto jednostavno, kada moze komplikovano.....
_nobody_ #5
Posts: 39

14. Sep 2007. 14:47:19
ne da smo ljubomorni na qmu...

Nego bi je uFatili i zatvorili u kaFez kao ovu pticu, pa bi je mazili i pazili i zvali je Georgina...

A zatvorili bi je da bi uzeli pelcer od njene duse koja odise toplotom (umesto freezera), brrrrrrr!
CatchMeIfYouCan #6

Posts: 2575

15. Sep 2007. 14:12:27
Prica Ptice i Mjeseca

Ima ista prica sa mjesecom, sa istom poantom, samo sto je mjeseceva prica imala sretan zavrsetak jer je mjesec dobio svoju slobodu i ljubav je nastavila svojim tokom....

Kod nekih ljudi je ta ljubomora izrazenija dok kod drugih je nema ili je potisnuta tako da ne dolazi toliko do izrazaja.

Ljubomora zna dodati adrenalin i pojacati osjecaje, ali svega sto je previse ne valja i jaka ljubomora nije zdrava ni za koga.
Ljubomora moze da unisti vezu, da je ugusi jer nema dovoljno slobode i povjerenja i taj odnos prelazi u nesto drugo...

Out of sight....out of mind...
CatchMeIfYouCan #7

Posts: 2575

15. Sep 2007. 14:19:44
The Sun and The Moon

Once, long ago, before the People came from beneath the Earth, the land was not the same as it is now.
There was no Moon and the Sun was alone in the sky.

The Sun was lonely, and would wander day and night through the sky. Always was the Sun searching for someone to be his friend, his companion. One day, the Sun wandered farther north than he ever had before, and there he saw a Glacier resting between two Mountains. The sun thought the glacier was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen.

And so it was that the Sun came to the north more often and spent many days watching the Glacier from the cover of the Mountains and the horizon. The Sun was clever but he could not hide forever, and the Mountains soon told the Glacier that he was hiding from her and watching from a distance. The Sun was ashamed and began to run away, fearing the Glacier would be mad at him. To his surprise, the Glacier was not mad and called out to the Sun, "Come closer, so that I may see you as well." But the Sun was bright and hard to look at. The Mountains told her to climb upon their backs so that she could see better. Still, she could not clearly see the face of the Sun, and so she leaped to him in the heavens and became the Moon.

The Sun made a home for them in the heavens and there the Moon and the Sun danced together, and they were happy. The Sun had never been more full of joy. He had found his mate, and was no longer lonely. He beamed down upon all the earth and sung his love. In this way, they lived a long time, but one day the Moon was not as happy as she usually was.

"Why are you not happy", asked the Sun?"

"I love you, and I like dancing through the sky with you, but I am homesick for the Mountains and their firm embrace. I am going to return to them."

"I am sorry my love", replied the Sun, "but you can not return. You are no longer the glacier that you once were. You are now the Moon and cannot return to the Mountains."

Her reply was filled with tears, "I shall try to return anyway, do not think I love the Mountains anymore than I love you, this is something I must do."

"I understand, and I will not let you leave my heart", said the Sun, "every day you try to return to the mountains, I will follow. When you decide that you no longer wish to search for the Mountains I will be behind you, waiting with my heart open for you. Whenever you feel you cannot continue, turn around and return to me."

When the People came from beneath the Earth they saw the Sun and they watched as it followed the Moon. Every day they watched as the Moon continued her quest searching for the Mountains of her youth, and the Sun followed. The Sun has never stopped following the Moon, and he never will.

Out of sight....out of mind...
_nobody_ #8
Posts: 39

15. Sep 2007. 14:56:11

CatchMeifYouHaveTo writes
And so it was that the Sun came to the north more often and spent many days watching the Glacier from the cover of the Mountains and the horizon.

This was the very dangerous game: Hot/Cold. Sun could melt the Glacier, and then what? Lier, lier, pants in fire!
CatchMeIfYouCan #9

Posts: 2575

15. Sep 2007. 17:46:56
If you CAN not if you HAVE To

Dangerous game, yes, that’s true, but the Glacier became a Moon so that Sun could have it in the skies and the glacier will not melt from the Sun’s love.

Volimo onoga onakvim kakvim jeste, ne pokusavajmo to promijeniti jer onda ni ljubav nece biti ista.

Out of sight....out of mind...
dea7 #10

Posts: 27

15. Sep 2007. 18:46:41

lepo si to rekla...

zasto jednostavno, kada moze komplikovano.....
_nobody_ #11
Posts: 39

15. Sep 2007. 19:19:41
Don’t mess with the ancient history...

Woman! You R NOT so proficient as Di Caprio, and yet he played the character which was real. The person existed in 60’s, was smarter than most of the people, using other’s mind pitfalls!

Remember story ’bout Icarus?! Once upon a time Icarus flu very close by The Sun, so Sun melted his wings and forced him to fall to the Earth, making arrogant mortal crash killing.

There is NO simple solution to the complex problem, dea7... One of the basic Murphy’s Laws!
CatchMeIfYouCan #12

Posts: 2575

15. Sep 2007. 20:00:33
Understanding others

I am not pretending to be whom I’m not.
I am not trying to say that I’m somebody I know I am not, nor shall I be or wish so....

I am simple and easy going, down to earth and do not try to resemble something else, be someone else.

Understand yourself and your greatness is a deepest thought. We are all different and that won’t change.

Accept the others as they are. Do not judge or blame for something you don’t know and not trying to know. The innerself is what we’ve got. Be polite and understanding is a great thing that many cannot do however simple it sounds to be.

I know who I am, I know nobody is perfect and I am not trying to be one.
I accept people as they are and try to understand them no matter who they are, what they do and where they go...

While he gave him these instructions and fitted the wings to his shoulders, the face of the father was wet with tears, and his hands trembled. He kissed the boy, not knowing it was for the last time. Then rising on his wings he flew off, and looked back from his own flight to see how his son managed his wings. As they flew the plowman stopped his work to gaze, and the shepherd leaned on his staff and watched them, astonished at the sight, and thinking they were gods who could thus cleave the air.

They passed Samos and Delos on the left and Lebynthos on the right, when the boy, exulting in his career, began to leave the guidance of his companion and soar upward as if to reach heaven.

The nearness of the blazing sun softened the wax which held the feathers together, and they came off. He fluttered with his arms, but no feathers remained to hold the air.

While his mouth uttered cries to his father it was submerged in the blue waters of the sea, which was thenceforth called by his name. His father cried, "Icarus, Icarus, where are you?" At last he saw the feathers floating on the water, and bitterly lamenting his own arts, he buried the body and called the land Icaria in memory of his child. Daedalus arrived safe in Sicily, where he built a temple to Apollo and hung up his wings, an offering to the god.

Out of sight....out of mind...
CatchMeIfYouCan #13

Posts: 2575

15. Sep 2007. 20:40:37

Ljubomora je narocito izrazena kod nesigurnih osoba i osoba koje su same spremne prevariti partnera ili su to ucinile u proslosti i zbog toga se ta ljubomroa javlja prema novom partneru, novoj ljubavi.

Ponekad je i opravdana, ipak je ljubomora izraz ljudske intuicije, ali osoba treba razumijeti sebe i shvatiti da li je ta ljubomora opravdana ili je samo sastavni dio nekog drugog problema.

Out of sight....out of mind...
dea7 #14

Posts: 27

15. Sep 2007. 21:30:45

u potpunosti se slazem sa tvojim misljenjem!
tema zakljucana ))))

zasto jednostavno, kada moze komplikovano.....
sanjin75 #15

Posts: 3362

15. Sep 2007. 22:21:38

"HVALA" gospodjice iznad, ti znaš zašto!!!

Biti isti, biti poseban, biti slobodan, biti samo svoj
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