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1. Ljubavne nezne i drugarske teme > Savetovaliste > ...400 na sat [to BE or NOT to be]...

hummingbird #1
Posts: 23

01. Apr 2006. 22:32:02
...400 na sat [to BE or NOT to be]...

...sta vi mislite, dragi diskutanti? ...da li je Angelo D’Arrigo bio dorastao onome sto je nametnuo... i da li je vredelo je rizikovao (ogigledno) izvan njegovih psihofizickih moci?

...cekam komentare... voziti 400 na sat... to treba umeti... a takvih je malo koji mogu preziveti vise trka sa 400 na sat?!

...(treba biti umetnik/virtuoz na takvoj brzini... jer svaka, pa i najmanja greska moze biti kobna)!

This Sunday, March 26 of 2006 at 11:30 AM, Angelo D’Arrigo has left us. He died while he made what he loved so much… to fly.

He was a passenger on a „Sky Arrow” ULM (Ultralight aircraft) crash while during an exhibition in Comiso, on the island of Sicily, on his natal Italy.
The pilot of the ULM was Giulio De Marchis, a personal close friend to Angelo and a retired aeronautical officer with more than 25,000 flight hours on his own. It’s still not clear why the ULM went down and crashed but the cause is being investigated.

Angelo was my greatest real world living hero; an example of determination, an icon of how some day to be like, a man and a filosofy to follow and to learn from:

Since graduation from the Parisian University of Sport, Angelo d’Arrigo has devoted himself to „extreme” sports. A licensed instructor for hang-gliders and paragliders, a ski instructor and Alpine guide, he is fortunately able to make a living from his passions in life.

Everything in this true story defies the imagination: A man who is more comfortable soaring than walking; baby cranes raised under the wings of a hang glider and imprinted to know this man as their mother; birds raised in captivity who are taught to fly and land by copying their human „mother”; an air journey of 3400 miles to be flown together by one solitary man and his flock; a man whose life ambition is to „learn to live and think like a bird,” and a species of life entirely dependent on one human for its survival outside captivity.

Angelo D’Arrigo has nursed this passion for flight since he was 16 and first saw a hang glider jumping off a mountain, catching the thermals and soaring. In that instant he was hooked and the course of his life has followed the yearnings of his heart ever since. Soon D’Arrigo was setting world records in time and distance for free flight until he crashed into a 20,000-volt high-tension wire and broke his back. For six months he was paralyzed below the waist and thought he would never walk, much less fly again.

In the long months he spent healing, his life’s purpose became apparent: to learn how to fly like a bird. Ever since, he has pursued this goal relentlessly, passionately and with unrivaled originality, regularly spending two to three hours a day „catching the thermals” with Nike, an eagle he raised from birth and taught to fly! (Nike is the name of the goddess of victory in Greek Mythology)

From Mont Blanc to Cervino, from L’Aiguille Verte to L’Aiguille du Midi, he has been able to express his „Art” with formidable success. With his team, known in France as „Les Funambulles de ”Extreme„, he also plans to operate outside Europe: in the Himalayas and the Andes.

While making a documentary for the French TV company Antenne 2, Angelo first flew over the highest volcano in Europe, while in full eruption: Etna. Attracted by the contrast of the elements in this landscape, he decided to establish himself on the flanks of the volcano and set up ETNA FLY National School of Hang-gliding.

Located in a unique and spectacular setting, where the four elements AIR WATER EARTH and FIRE commingle, this free-flight training centre has developed into a tourist village based on the practice of extreme sports: the No Limits Etna Center. It was at the inauguration of the NO LIMITS FLYING CENTER that Angelo met up with his old friend from Paris, Patrick de Gayardon. Together they created an air show that involved each in his own specialty. The name of this show was ”THE DREAM OF ICARUS„.

After years of professional sports and two world titles, Angelo decided to withdraw from the competitive circuit and devote himself to record flights. He became part of the No Limits Sector Team where he planed, organized and realized free-flight sporting events, this year he broke the world record to the highest free flight at 9,100 Mts.

Angelo was 45 years old when he died yesturday.
Core_Curiculum #2
Posts: 1506

01. Apr 2006. 23:13:28

Kad si vec pomenuo brzinu , tvoja tema me podsetila vozaca Indi serije Pol Danu ,koji je poginuo 27.3.2006.Pri brzini od 200 milja je udario u bolid koji je ocigledno prevideo iz nepoznatih razloga.
Tako je 30-to godisnji vozac i bivsi novinar otisao u istoriju Indi trka....

Treba biti umetnik u svemu da bi to radio uspesno,ali ponekad i svi napori koje ljudi ulazu da bi nesto odradili kako treba nisu dovoljni.Sekund nepaznje i pevusimo pesmicu ne brze od zivota
hummingbird #3
Posts: 23

02. Apr 2006. 01:27:06
...200 milja = 320 km/h...

...treba biti izuzetan majstor da bi se vozilo tom brzinom pod kontrolom... posebno Indy Series (kruzne trke)...

...(kako li je tek voziti trku Zivota tom brzinom)... .. .
MaliGun #4

Posts: 1417

24. Okt 2007. 23:38:06
ocigledno je iz primera da nije vredelo

jer nikad u zivotu nisam cuo za doticnog gospodina, a ne znam ni zasto je zaduzio covecanstvo.. kapiram samo da uludo izginuo..


Forumas godine 2007!
sexy_lav #5

Posts: 970

24. Okt 2007. 23:54:32
...ko ti kriv kad ne citas...

CatchMeIfYouCan #6

Posts: 2575

25. Okt 2007. 00:53:42
Who killed the Mockingbird?

Where’s gone the hummingbird?

Nobody left us.......

Gun obnavlja stare teme...podsjeca nas na clanove koji su napustili sajt kao i na teme koje su zamrle....

Out of sight....out of mind...

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