Stranice : Predhodni 1 . . . 819 820 821 [822] 823 824 825 . . . 3428 Sljedeæi |
 Posts: 2309
31. Maj 2006. 10:56:08
mislim da znate pravila ove igre,zato napred
 Posts: 4213
22. Jun 2008. 13:54:45
NO, no ja sam nepusAC
----------------- ...Ti bices program mog kompjutera...
 Posts: 15517
22. Jun 2008. 13:55:52
i nenACHitaNA
 Posts: 4213
22. Jun 2008. 13:58:04
NAdam se da ne govoris o meNI
moji omiljeni pisci su Ana Karenjina, Hamlet, onada ono dvoje Romeo i Julija bas imaju dobre knjige
----------------- ...Ti bices program mog kompjutera...
 Posts: 390

22. Jun 2008. 15:24:34
NIkad se nezna o kome govoRI
----------------- Umjetnost je znati zanimljivo prièati, ali je jos veæa umjetnost znati pažljivo slušati.
 Posts: 1807
22. Jun 2008. 15:25:29
govoRIte malo i o meNI
----------------- If you hate me, you’re the looser, not me
 Posts: 4143
22. Jun 2008. 15:39:43
NIgde nikog,,evo ja CU...
----------------- Life’s a journey not a destination
Have you ever had a dream? or is life just a trip? a trip without chances a chance to grow up quick
 Posts: 1807
22. Jun 2008. 15:44:10
hoCU samo pohvale na moj racUN
----------------- If you hate me, you’re the looser, not me
 Posts: 4143
22. Jun 2008. 15:46:36
UNesicemo feministicke priCE
----------------- Life’s a journey not a destination
Have you ever had a dream? or is life just a trip? a trip without chances a chance to grow up quick
 Posts: 15517
22. Jun 2008. 18:01:22
CHEsto menjam mesTO
 Posts: 1396
22. Jun 2008. 18:57:23
TO nije loše fiona, za poèetak:od muškica smo hrabriJE!
----------------- Zaviri u svoje srce, mozda te iznenadi lepota
 Posts: 15517
22. Jun 2008. 20:37:26
Jeste, hrabriye ste, kad popiyete malo wiSHE
 Posts: 1396
22. Jun 2008. 23:31:34
wiSHE ljubavi, manje piæa-umnije smo od muškiÆA!
----------------- Zaviri u svoje srce, mozda te iznenadi lepota
 Posts: 949
22. Jun 2008. 23:45:53
muÆAk medju zenama je obicno hrabar, jeste hrabre kad treba da "zharac" zavucete coveku u srce, inace ste obicno kukaviCE
za nekoga
----------------- When the last curtains fall down I will proudly leave this poor place I will swim hard, hard, just to get you somewhere there... I love you, and I always will, even god or a devil cent take that from me even when Iam dead you will be with me
 Posts: 15517
23. Jun 2008. 00:47:00
CEle notjii ljubih te.....u zoru mi sat prekinu sAN
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