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1. Ljubavne nezne i drugarske teme > Igre zvane - INSOMNIA > Nadovezujmo se do beskonaènosti..

Stranice : Predhodni 1 . . . 109 110 111 [112] 113 114 115 . . . 283 Sljedeæi
marija80 #1
Posts: 17

23. Dec 2008. 06:44:06
Nadovezujmo se do beskonaènosti..

Izuzetno zarazna igra.
Treba napisati dve reèi s tim što se mora poèeti sa drugom reèi iz prethodnog posta.
Treba da iskoristite drugu reè a da joj ne promenite smisao.


Vesela deca
Deèija radost,
Radostan dan,
Dnevna svetlost...
djadja065 #1556

Posts: 7419

01. Avg 2010. 10:24:48
penzija proshla

Millllla #1557

Posts: 10302

01. Avg 2010. 11:17:37

Prošla vremena

Love Is In The Air
maskembal #1558

Posts: 2868

01. Avg 2010. 13:30:33

vreme promena

ko hoce - trazi nacin, ko nece - trazi razlog
zaljubavljeni #1559

Posts: 120

01. Avg 2010. 13:42:52

glup sam ja za ovo


kako objasniti... šaljiv GLAS... iskren OSMEH... hrabar POKRET
Millllla #1560

Posts: 10302

01. Avg 2010. 21:28:14

Promene u politici

Love Is In The Air
Branasoft #1561

Posts: 7220

02. Avg 2010. 00:25:09

politicka zrtva

We have only magic, and this is tragic...
Millllla #1562

Posts: 10302

02. Avg 2010. 00:27:20

Žrtveno jagnje

Love Is In The Air
Branasoft #1563

Posts: 7220

02. Avg 2010. 00:35:33

Jagnjece pecenje

We have only magic, and this is tragic...
Millllla #1564

Posts: 10302

02. Avg 2010. 00:55:26

Peèeno pile

Love Is In The Air
Branasoft #1565

Posts: 7220

02. Avg 2010. 01:35:05

Pile medeno

We have only magic, and this is tragic...
Millllla #1566

Posts: 10302

02. Avg 2010. 01:40:56

Medeno srce

Love Is In The Air
Branasoft #1567

Posts: 7220

02. Avg 2010. 02:14:42

Srcana mana

We have only magic, and this is tragic...
zaaana01 #1568

Posts: 3205

02. Avg 2010. 10:11:22
mana urodjena

Zivot je jedan i nema reprizu
Millllla #1569

Posts: 10302

02. Avg 2010. 10:32:27

Uroðena anemija

Love Is In The Air
Stranice : Predhodni 1 . . . 109 110 111 [112] 113 114 115 . . . 283 Sljedeæi

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