Koji ste film danas pogledali?
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2. Zabava, kultura, umetnost > Film, bioskop, pozoriste > Koji ste film danas pogledali?

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CatchMeIfYouCan #1

Posts: 2575

13. П� 2007. 23:53:47
Koji ste film danas pogledali?

Moulin Rouge

Upravo ga gledam....nije mi prvi put, ali uvijek mi je dobar....

Out of sight....out of mind...
CatchMeIfYouCan #226

Posts: 2575

25. Ц� 2008. 23:33:46
Catch a Fire

istinita prica o pokretu afrikanca u Juznoj Africi i Mozambique.

Out of sight....out of mind...
albandy2 #227

Posts: 5214

28. Ц� 2008. 14:03:54

Ko sam ja

DZeki Ceng

Èudno je kako je malo potrebno da budemo sreæni, i još èudnije: kako èesto nam baš to malo nedostaje Ivo Andriæ

_JELENCE_ #228

Posts: 559

28. Ц� 2008. 14:18:30


silvester stalone

od lazi do istine....dug je put
LepaLeni #229

Posts: 11046

28. Ц� 2008. 18:02:59

pearl haber

>’Covek Nikada Nije Toliko Nesrecan Kao Sto Misli,
Ni Tako Srecan Kao Sto Se Nadao Da Ce Biti’..<
CatchMeIfYouCan #230

Posts: 2575

29. Ц� 2008. 00:53:44

To jos sinoc

Out of sight....out of mind...
CatchMeIfYouCan #231

Posts: 2575

29. Ц� 2008. 22:50:46

Ever After

Moderna verzija Pepeljuge, bas mi je bilo potrebno tako nesto da pustim mozak na pasu

Out of sight....out of mind...
_JELENCE_ #232

Posts: 559

01. М� 2008. 14:08:10

Put oko sveta za 80 dana
dzeki cen

od lazi do istine....dug je put
LepaLeni #233

Posts: 11046

02. М� 2008. 04:27:04

not without my daughter

>’Covek Nikada Nije Toliko Nesrecan Kao Sto Misli,
Ni Tako Srecan Kao Sto Se Nadao Da Ce Biti’..<
tajnooruzje #234

Posts: 1467

03. М� 2008. 02:15:14
k - pax

Kevin Spacey
Jeff Bridges

... Ne teèe to reka, veæ voda! Ne prolazi vreme , nego mi!! ’’ ...

Cyberxxx #235
Posts: 1461

03. М� 2008. 02:20:57
Soba panike

Ali nisam odgledao kraj
Poèelo u meðuvremenu "bekstvo iz zatvora"
Zaratustra #236

Posts: 266

06. М� 2008. 23:55:52
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

briljantno ostvarenje.. ne propustite..


Bolje stici drugi, nego zakasniti!
LepaLeni #237

Posts: 11046

09. М� 2008. 02:08:37

cry baby

>’Covek Nikada Nije Toliko Nesrecan Kao Sto Misli,
Ni Tako Srecan Kao Sto Se Nadao Da Ce Biti’..<
slivco #238

Posts: 2603

11. М� 2008. 02:51:50

Tears of the Sun

"svi ste vi ovde pobednici necega samo sto jos uvek to ne znate"

"if you only know how beautiful you really are
then everything would be in it’s place"
DirtyHarry #239

Posts: 279

12. М� 2008. 02:01:33

"Gone baby gone"

Vise nego dobar film.

"We come up on different streets,
they both were the streets of shame,
Both dirty, both mean, yes,
and the dream was just the same,
And I dreamed your dream for you,
and now your dream is real
How can you look at me as if I
was just another one of your deals?"
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