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1. Ljubavne nezne i drugarske teme > Druzenje > Koliko bi platili da neko likvidira, prebije ...osobu iznad ?

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goxy30 #1

Posts: 949

23. Jun 2008. 00:32:04
Koliko bi platili da neko likvidira, prebije ...osobu iznad ?

ne mora biti sve negativno, moze da znaci da je recimo prebijete(to je korisno osoba promeni nacin shvatanja...),...
i ne mora biti sve negativno, moz da platite nekog "hitmana" da umesto vas zastrasi osobu, poljubi je u obrazi ili....

When the last curtains fall down
I will proudly leave this poor place
I will swim hard, hard, just to get you somewhere there...
I love you, and I always will, even god or a devil cent take that from me
even when Iam dead you will be with me

CatchMeIfYouCan #2

Posts: 2575

23. Jun 2008. 00:33:15

Platila bi mu da ga sacuva, a ne likvidira

Out of sight....out of mind...
goxy30 #3

Posts: 949

23. Jun 2008. 00:38:24


oki ja bih mu platio da te likvidira, nekih 1000eur, al bi mu sapnuo da je teta dobra....i on bi se mozda zaljubio pa bi vas dvoje imali copor dece likvidatora!

When the last curtains fall down
I will proudly leave this poor place
I will swim hard, hard, just to get you somewhere there...
I love you, and I always will, even god or a devil cent take that from me
even when Iam dead you will be with me

CatchMeIfYouCan #4

Posts: 2575

23. Jun 2008. 00:40:28

i juuuuuu

tko ce onda na kraj izacu sa svim tim likvidatorima

Out of sight....out of mind...
klenovsek #5

Posts: 1075

23. Jun 2008. 00:43:50

ni slucajno je nebi likvidirao

bolje je biti medju progonjenima,nego medju progoniteljima
CatchMeIfYouCan #6

Posts: 2575

23. Jun 2008. 00:45:15

Jos jedan kojeg bih sacuvala

Out of sight....out of mind...
SanjaK #7

Posts: 4213

23. Jun 2008. 14:00:30

Ju ju sad ne smem da kazem Nikako da se prava osoba namesti iznad ... Hajde cekam

...Ti bices program mog kompjutera...
goxy30 #8

Posts: 949

23. Jun 2008. 14:24:50

nekih 1 000 000 eur
ali bih ustedeo pare i sam zavrsio posao

When the last curtains fall down
I will proudly leave this poor place
I will swim hard, hard, just to get you somewhere there...
I love you, and I always will, even god or a devil cent take that from me
even when Iam dead you will be with me

strawberry22 #9

Posts: 678

23. Jun 2008. 14:27:03

goxy ne bih ja tebe likvidirala ni za sve pare sveta

Grešiti je ljudski, ali je oseæaj božanski.

SanjaK #10

Posts: 4213

23. Jun 2008. 15:02:56

Jagodo samo zbog tog bi te likvidirala inace ne

...Ti bices program mog kompjutera...
Boyforfun #11

Posts: 4078

23. Jun 2008. 15:08:36

Ti bi jagodu da likvidiras placam 8.000 za Sanjinu glavu!

P.S. dinara.

Što je babi milo to joj se i snilo!

strawberry22 #12

Posts: 678

23. Jun 2008. 15:10:34

Grešiti je ljudski, ali je oseæaj božanski.

strawberry22 #13

Posts: 678

23. Jun 2008. 15:11:04

Grešiti je ljudski, ali je oseæaj božanski.

dusseldorf #14

Posts: 4008

23. Jun 2008. 15:18:01

ne bih nikada


Pozurite piloti, brze letite
da me dragoj, pokraj srca
sto pre spustite
lijepo vrijeme, sunce sija
kisa ne pada

goxy30 #15

Posts: 949

23. Jun 2008. 15:25:11


nece da moze nju ubijam samo ja, tj mozes meni da prosledis novce

poslacu ti fotku sa kube kako je "ubijam" koktelchicima

a za duseldrf bih platio nekom sladoledziji da je ubije s sladoledi

When the last curtains fall down
I will proudly leave this poor place
I will swim hard, hard, just to get you somewhere there...
I love you, and I always will, even god or a devil cent take that from me
even when Iam dead you will be with me

Páginas : [1] 2 3 4 . . . 29 Siguiente

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