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goxy30 #1

Posts: 1797

30. May 2008. 16:59:06
Sta vas smara ???

Mene smaraju ovi iz raznoraznih osiguravajucih kuca, sta ja imam osigurati, a ko mi i ukradu, zemljotres istrese iz gaca, piromani zapale,...ovo sve sto imam ma EBE mi se, igracu se u pepelu sve dok me nesto u srcu greje !

Evo danas me opet smori jedn adevojka agent iz osiguravajuceg drustva DELTA jebeni GENERALI
kae ovako:
"dobar dan", "dobar dan"
"mi smo iz osiguravajuceg drustva (sexy glasic) imamo siroku paletu usluga...."
uhhh sad ja njoj kaem:
imas simpa glas, kod mene je to retkost jer me sve zovu neke muskarace ili retardi od drugova, i evo sad mi nesto vri u grudima, ma med i mleko tece tuda , toplo mi oko srca evo skidam majcu izgoroh nacisto
ako mi ovaj osecaj mozes osigurati-zadrzati ja sam SVAKAKO zainteresovan, a skinucu i gace ako treba da zadrzim postojece stanje

usledilo je kikikikiki
"dovidjenja", "dovidjenja"

brateee ala daveee !


Sanjajte kao da cete ziveti zauvek !
Zivite kao da cete umreti danas !
danju ovako:
nocu ovako:
hannah #58

Posts: 1396

11. Jun 2008. 16:24:19

jel dosta..za samokritiku i za smaranje?

Zaviri u svoje srce, mozda te iznenadi lepota
goxy30 #59

Posts: 949

11. Jun 2008. 18:32:26

"reèe mi jedan èoek"..da ima -ko limenka piva...

mali a zdepast

ali svaka serpa nadje poklopac pa je to ok !

mene sad smara cekanje prijatelja da dodju i pokupe me, idemo kao na neki trening....uffff a sedim i cekaaaam

When the last curtains fall down
I will proudly leave this poor place
I will swim hard, hard, just to get you somewhere there...
I love you, and I always will, even god or a devil cent take that from me
even when Iam dead you will be with me

dusseldorf #60

Posts: 4008

11. Jun 2008. 19:42:30



Pozurite piloti, brze letite
da me dragoj, pokraj srca
sto pre spustite
lijepo vrijeme, sunce sija
kisa ne pada

goxy30 #61

Posts: 949

11. Jun 2008. 22:39:55


tebe bas nervira taj direktor?!
da mu mi sredimo tako zdepastom neku sa foruma, ima coek da se ubije za dva dana i resila si problem !

When the last curtains fall down
I will proudly leave this poor place
I will swim hard, hard, just to get you somewhere there...
I love you, and I always will, even god or a devil cent take that from me
even when Iam dead you will be with me

tajnooruzje #62

Posts: 1467

12. Jun 2008. 09:13:19

Ne smara me, nego me zbunjuje.. situVacija...

... Ne teèe to reka, veæ voda! Ne prolazi vreme , nego mi!! ’’ ...

LepaLeni #63

Posts: 11046

25. Jun 2008. 04:20:33

kad moram da idem za jednu stvar 10 puta

>’Covek Nikada Nije Toliko Nesrecan Kao Sto Misli,
Ni Tako Srecan Kao Sto Se Nadao Da Ce Biti’..<
SanjaK #64

Posts: 4213

25. Jun 2008. 14:30:59


...Ti bices program mog kompjutera...
goxy30 #65

Posts: 949

25. Jun 2008. 14:54:41

mene "smara" jedan "zlotvor"

When the last curtains fall down
I will proudly leave this poor place
I will swim hard, hard, just to get you somewhere there...
I love you, and I always will, even god or a devil cent take that from me
even when Iam dead you will be with me

Akadem #66

Posts: 117

25. Jun 2008. 15:29:25

furesti...koliko ih se nakotilo ove godine

all i want to say is:KEEP IT REAL!!!
SanjaK #67

Posts: 4213

29. Jun 2008. 22:45:21


...Ti bices program mog kompjutera...
Boki_bg #68

Posts: 1693

30. Jun 2008. 18:30:05

ova vrucina, a do odmora josh ima

> <
goxy30 #69

Posts: 949

30. Jun 2008. 19:57:42

forum takodje, i cekanje da se vidim s nekim
smor smor smor smor..

When the last curtains fall down
I will proudly leave this poor place
I will swim hard, hard, just to get you somewhere there...
I love you, and I always will, even god or a devil cent take that from me
even when Iam dead you will be with me

goxy30 #70

Posts: 949

08. Jul 2008. 16:18:06

smaraju me neki ljudi koji misle da znaju nesto o meni, smaraju me oni koji namaju smisla za salu (koliko god ona bila neumesna)

smaraju me ljubomorne devojke, smaraju me ljudi koji vole da tracare jer ocigledno nemaju pametnija posla !

ali sve je to zivot, a i zivot je uglavnom smor....tako da ovo sto mene smara i nema smisla sto pisem, ebe se vama sta mene smara

ae ne smarajte

When the last curtains fall down
I will proudly leave this poor place
I will swim hard, hard, just to get you somewhere there...
I love you, and I always will, even god or a devil cent take that from me
even when Iam dead you will be with me

fioncica #71

Posts: 4143

08. Jul 2008. 16:53:46

dobro je sto nisi izostavio ono (neumesne shale)

Life’s a journey not a destination

Have you ever had a dream?
or is life just a trip?
a trip without chances
a chance to grow up quick
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