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2. Zabava, kultura, umetnost > Muzika, koncerti > Šta trenutno slušate (2)

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sanjin75 #1

Posts: 3362

17. Syy 2007. 16:09:47
Šta trenutno slušate (2)

Ivana Jordan


Biti isti, biti poseban, biti slobodan, biti samo svoj
ice_away #86

Posts: 1860

04. Lok 2007. 16:58:17
The Doors - People are strange


ova je ipak vrh

U dobru se ne ponesi, u zlu se ne ponizi!
goxy30 #87

Posts: 1797

05. Lok 2007. 03:31:17

doorsi su uvek bili vrh, i ostali !
steta za jim morrisona, inace bi danas imali toliko....

danas-jutros slusam
"most of the time" BOB DYLAN

Sanjajte kao da cete ziveti zauvek !
Zivite kao da cete umreti danas !
danju ovako:
nocu ovako:
LepaLeni #88

Posts: 11046

05. Lok 2007. 04:33:31

i uvek se njoj vratim

Winger - 17

ali trenutno slusam

The Cult -- My Bridges Burn --

>’Covek Nikada Nije Toliko Nesrecan Kao Sto Misli,
Ni Tako Srecan Kao Sto Se Nadao Da Ce Biti’..<
LepaLeni #89

Posts: 11046

05. Lok 2007. 14:12:16



>’Covek Nikada Nije Toliko Nesrecan Kao Sto Misli,
Ni Tako Srecan Kao Sto Se Nadao Da Ce Biti’..<
LepaLeni #90

Posts: 11046

05. Lok 2007. 18:28:58

sada je

Kamelot - Wonder -

na tapetu

>’Covek Nikada Nije Toliko Nesrecan Kao Sto Misli,
Ni Tako Srecan Kao Sto Se Nadao Da Ce Biti’..<
LepaLeni #91

Posts: 11046

05. Lok 2007. 20:46:22
Trenutno i zauvek

I’m looking at you through the glass...
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh god it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home sitting all alone inside your head

How do you feel? That is the question
But i forget.. you dont expect and easy answer
When something like a soul becomes
Initialized and folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You cant expect a bit of hope
And while your outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what your staring at is me

Cause I’m looking at you through the glass...
Don’t know how much time has passed
All i know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head

How much is real? So much to question
And never dare make up the mannequins
Contaminating everything
When thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(No more sad voices)
Before you tell yourself
Its just a different scene
Remember its just different from what you’ve seen

Im looking at you through the glass...
Don’t know how much time has passed
And all i know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head

And its the starrrssss
The sttarrrsss
That shine for you
And its the starrrssss
The sttarrrsss
That lie to you.. yeah-ah

I’m looking at you through the glass...
Don’t know how much time has passed
Oh god it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head

Cause I’m looking at you through the glass...
Don’t know how much time has passed
All i know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever
feels like home, sitting all alone inside your heaaaaddd

And its the starrrssss
The sttarrrsss
That shine for you.. yeah-ah
And its the starrrssss
The sttarrrsss
That lie to you.. yeah-ah

And its the starrrssss
The sttarrrsss
That shine for you.. yeah-ah
And its the starrrssss
The sttarrrsss
That lie to you.. yeah-ah yeah

Ohhhoh the starrs
Ohhh oh the starrrrs that liieee

Stoned Sour - Through The Glass -

imam jako lepo secanje vazano za ovu pesmu -

>’Covek Nikada Nije Toliko Nesrecan Kao Sto Misli,
Ni Tako Srecan Kao Sto Se Nadao Da Ce Biti’..<
ice_away #92

Posts: 1860

06. Lok 2007. 11:57:26
The Verve - Sonet


U dobru se ne ponesi, u zlu se ne ponizi!
cool4u #93

Posts: 2581

06. Lok 2007. 17:29:57

Tose Proeski i Antonija Sola-Volim osmijeh tvoj

LepaLeni #94

Posts: 11046

06. Lok 2007. 17:43:56

Tose Proeski - Cija si (Pobednicka pesma s beovizije 2003 godine)

>’Covek Nikada Nije Toliko Nesrecan Kao Sto Misli,
Ni Tako Srecan Kao Sto Se Nadao Da Ce Biti’..<
Lilith #95

Posts: 2993

06. Lok 2007. 18:16:31

Nothing else matters

"Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know ..."


I love being brunette!!!



ice_away #96

Posts: 1860

06. Lok 2007. 18:25:41
Nirvana - Cocaine girl

For a new kind lover
Not a girl made of rubber
Someone who can make me feel how I wanna feel
And tells me all the things that I wanna hear
It makes me lose control, it makes me go insane
I wanna a girl that does cocaine

Screwed up, its how she needs to be
With no clue of reality
Just wanted you to make me feel how I wanna feel
And tell me all the things, that I wanna hear
It makes me lose control, it makes me go insane
I wanna a girl that does cocaine

And now I’m washed up,
I’ve had my fun...

U dobru se ne ponesi, u zlu se ne ponizi!
LepaLeni #97

Posts: 11046

06. Lok 2007. 22:10:40
.N.B. & .A.

Neverne Bebe & Aki - boje duge

>’Covek Nikada Nije Toliko Nesrecan Kao Sto Misli,
Ni Tako Srecan Kao Sto Se Nadao Da Ce Biti’..<
ice_away #98

Posts: 1860

06. Lok 2007. 22:45:58
Goca Trzan- |Kad kazem NE


U dobru se ne ponesi, u zlu se ne ponizi!
ana9 #99

Posts: 3879

07. Lok 2007. 00:58:40

Richard Marx

Right Here Waiting

...od Vardara moja raja, do Triglava nema kraja...
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