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Pagine : Precedente 1 . . . 866 867 868 [869] 870 871 872 . . . 3428 Prossimo
_kasper_ #1

Commenti: 2309

31. Mag 2006. 10:56:08

mislim da znate pravila ove igre,zato napred

fioncica #12154

Commenti: 4143

13. Lug 2008. 17:25:08
EDnoglasni smo svi,,onda ideMO...

Life’s a journey not a destination

Have you ever had a dream?
or is life just a trip?
a trip without chances
a chance to grow up quick
slivco #12155

Commenti: 2603

13. Lug 2008. 17:26:38

MOze cekam te na ono novo mesTO

"svi ste vi ovde pobednici necega samo sto jos uvek to ne znate"

"if you only know how beautiful you really are
then everything would be in it’s place"
Boyforfun #12156

Commenti: 4078

13. Lug 2008. 17:26:53

MOze odMA

Što je babi milo to joj se i snilo!

fioncica #12157

Commenti: 4143

13. Lug 2008. 17:34:26
MAlo nam ni bilo samo sladoled,,na ove vrucine

idemo gde je i bazEN.....

Life’s a journey not a destination

Have you ever had a dream?
or is life just a trip?
a trip without chances
a chance to grow up quick
bucko77 #12158

Commenti: 2084

13. Lug 2008. 19:56:19
jEdNo hladno pivo bi mi prijalo......

...dok gledam kako se vi rasladjujeTE

ich kenne nichts das so schön ist wie du
goxy30 #12159

Commenti: 949

13. Lug 2008. 22:06:59

TEmperetura je bas problem, ja bih neku crnku golicao sa sladoledom, ima li volonterKI

When the last curtains fall down
I will proudly leave this poor place
I will swim hard, hard, just to get you somewhere there...
I love you, and I always will, even god or a devil cent take that from me
even when Iam dead you will be with me

hannah #12160

Commenti: 1396

14. Lug 2008. 02:19:19

Kishu najavljuju, uuuuh...najzad..A gde nam je XiPE?

Zaviri u svoje srce, mozda te iznenadi lepota
fioncica #12161

Commenti: 4143

14. Lug 2008. 09:06:52
PEnziju je trazio,,zar nas napustIO??

Life’s a journey not a destination

Have you ever had a dream?
or is life just a trip?
a trip without chances
a chance to grow up quick
hannah #12162

Commenti: 1396

14. Lug 2008. 10:18:44
IO tiamo Xi...

vrati se baksuZU!

Zaviri u svoje srce, mozda te iznenadi lepota
Boyforfun #12163

Commenti: 4078

14. Lug 2008. 12:05:37

XIpe je nestao u akciJI

Što je babi milo to joj se i snilo!

hannah #12164

Commenti: 1396

14. Lug 2008. 15:02:38
moJI spijini su zakazali...

ti si nam sada sve BOY!

Zaviri u svoje srce, mozda te iznenadi lepota
fioncica #12165

Commenti: 4143

14. Lug 2008. 20:11:53
engOY in you`r liFE....


Life’s a journey not a destination

Have you ever had a dream?
or is life just a trip?
a trip without chances
a chance to grow up quick
klenovsek #12166

Commenti: 1075

14. Lug 2008. 20:13:31

FEr je ziveti svoj zivOT

bolje je biti medju progonjenima,nego medju progoniteljima
bucko77 #12167

Commenti: 2084

14. Lug 2008. 20:37:58
pOTpuno si u praVU....

ich kenne nichts das so schön ist wie du
Pagine : Precedente 1 . . . 866 867 868 [869] 870 871 872 . . . 3428 Prossimo

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