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Posts: 102
22. 2006. 15:27:39
Sta trenutno slushate...?
Alen Islamovic - Srce od kamena
 Posts: 138
14. 2008. 02:17:32
Dire Straits - Tunnel Of Love
Pesma koja me moze u toliko toga opisati, skoro ebeno sveeeeee
bre sad da mogu lyrics bi istetovirao na wugla, ma na ebeno chelo
lyrics: Getting crazy on the waltzers but it’s the life that I choose sing about the sixblade sing about the switchback and a torture tattoo and I been riding on a ghost train where the cars they scream and slam and I don’t know where I’ll be tonight but I’d always tell you where I am in a screaming ring of faces I seen her standing in the light she had a ticket for the races just like me she was a victim of the night I put a hand upon the lever said let it rock and let it roll I had the one arm bandit fever there was an arrow through my heart and my soul and the big wheel keep on turning neon burning up above and I’m just high on the world come on and take a low ride with me girl on the tunnel of love it’s just the danger when you’re riding at your own risk she said you are the perfect stranger she said baby let’s keep it like this it’s just a cake walk twisting baby step right up and say hey mister give me two give me two cos any two can play and the big wheel keep on turning neon burning up above and I’m just high on the world come on and take a low ride with me girl on the tunnel of love well it’s been money for muscle another whirligig money for muscle and another girl I dig another hustle just to make it big and rockaway rockaway and girl it looks so pretty to me just like it always did like the spanish city to me when we were kids oh girl it looks so pretty to me just like it always did like the spanish city to me when we were kids she took off a silver locket she said remember me by this she put her hand in my pocket I got a keepsake and a kiss and in the roar of the dust and diesel I stood and watched her walk away I could have caught up with her easy enough but something must have made me stay and the big wheel keep on turning neon burning up above and I’m just high on the world come on and take a low ride with me girl on the tunnel of love and now I’m searching through these carousels and the carnival arcades searching everywhere from steeplechase to palisades in any shooting gallery where promises are made to rockaway rockaway from cullercoats and whitley bay out to rockaway and girl it looks so pretty to me like it always did like the spanish city to me when we were kids girl it looks so pretty to me like it always did like the spanish city to me when we were kids
sorryz za golem txt
ps I ehhh da ipak ja nju volim, tu prokletu plavusu, vrane mi piju mozak sad dok umirem s ovu votku u rukama Odavno se nisam odro ovako od alkohola
Jutro ce mi oprosti valjda
uhhh ebem te usrani zivote
----------------- Sanjajte kao da cete ziveti zauvek Zivite kao da cete umreti danas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSHzga_DFxs&feature=related Trazim nesto poput ovoga:
(.) (.) ..).( .( )
Posts: 287
14. 2008. 23:51:51
Deepswing- In The Music
Posts: 1
15. 2008. 02:23:43
neki zenski vokal
zajdi, zajdi REMIX ...
 Posts: 138
15. 2008. 03:45:37
Marlango - My Love
----------------- Sanjajte kao da cete ziveti zauvek Zivite kao da cete umreti danas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSHzga_DFxs&feature=related Trazim nesto poput ovoga:
(.) (.) ..).( .( )
 Posts: 4213
17. 2008. 04:11:04
Ferry Corsten - Holding on
----------------- ...Ti bices program mog kompjutera...
 Posts: 138
17. 2008. 05:43:00
American Beauty(DnB Remix) - Matrix and Futurebound
Uz ovu stvar...sa slavije do vrha avale, i to bas za toliko vremena koliko pesma traje
Ko ne veruje, moz samnom za koji dan, samo me pm (vise bih voleo ako me neka cura cimen na pm)
Ali samo posle 2am kad nema guzve naravno, kad je sve jezivo prazno i pusto
Vishe ne nosim ashov i kese za djubre u gepeku, nema se brigate, zavrsio sam sa tim !
----------------- Sanjajte kao da cete ziveti zauvek Zivite kao da cete umreti danas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSHzga_DFxs&feature=related Trazim nesto poput ovoga:
(.) (.) ..).( .( )
 Posts: 668

19. 2008. 00:05:21
----------------- Konan is my man...
 Posts: 668

19. 2008. 01:21:58
Who knew
----------------- Konan is my man...
 Posts: 668

19. 2008. 02:09:34
Angel of Harlem
----------------- Konan is my man...
 Posts: 668

19. 2008. 18:14:15
----------------- Konan is my man...
 Posts: 4818
20. 2008. 10:23:34
 Posts: 825

20. 2008. 11:28:11
Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazelwood
Summer wine
----------------- Haljinicu boje lila O Ti si dušo oblaèila
Posts: 287
21. 2008. 03:38:18
URIAH HEEP - July Morning
 Posts: 5986
21. 2008. 07:29:31
Trenutno nista,jer volim tisinu u jutarnje sate
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