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Pagina's : Vorige 1 . . . 210 211 212 [213] 214 215 216 . . . 365 Volgende
SanjaK #1

Posts: 4213

08. mei 2009. 15:37:41
Tim I protiv tima II

Pravila ove igre sa sastoje u takmicenju tima I i tima II.

Tim I cine nikovi koji pocinju slovom: A C Æ È E G I K M O Q S Š U V
Tim II cine nikovi koji pocinju slovom: B D F H J L N P R T X Y Z Ž W

- pocinjemo sa brojem 500
- tim I dodaje 5 prethodnom broju a tim II oduzima 5 prethodnom broju
- postovanje za redom nije dozvoljeno
- ako se dodje do nule tim II je pobednik a ako se dodje do 1 000 tim I je pobednik


I evo ja cu za pocetak (posto mi nick pocinje sa S spadam u Tim I)


...Ti bices program mog kompjutera...
Millllla #2970

Posts: 10302

29. sep 2010. 03:36:24

775 Hvala

Love Is In The Air
Branasoft #2971

Posts: 7220

29. sep 2010. 03:38:06


We have only magic, and this is tragic...
Millllla #2972

Posts: 10302

29. sep 2010. 03:40:16


Love Is In The Air
Branasoft #2973

Posts: 7220

29. sep 2010. 03:41:07


We have only magic, and this is tragic...
Millllla #2974

Posts: 10302

29. sep 2010. 03:42:06


Love Is In The Air
Branasoft #2975

Posts: 7220

29. sep 2010. 03:43:50


We have only magic, and this is tragic...
Millllla #2976

Posts: 10302

29. sep 2010. 03:48:53


Love Is In The Air
Branasoft #2977

Posts: 7220

29. sep 2010. 03:53:02


We have only magic, and this is tragic...
Millllla #2978

Posts: 10302

29. sep 2010. 03:53:42


Love Is In The Air
Branasoft #2979

Posts: 7220

29. sep 2010. 03:59:06


We have only magic, and this is tragic...
Millllla #2980

Posts: 10302

29. sep 2010. 04:01:57


Love Is In The Air
Branasoft #2981

Posts: 7220

29. sep 2010. 04:04:00

u zivotu nisam nikog izljubio kao tebe

We have only magic, and this is tragic...
Millllla #2982

Posts: 10302

29. sep 2010. 04:12:30

Pa, ne znam èime sam zaslužila, ali hvala od

Love Is In The Air
Branasoft #2983

Posts: 7220

29. sep 2010. 04:14:21

cuti i trpi
salim se....zasluzila si

We have only magic, and this is tragic...
Pagina's : Vorige 1 . . . 210 211 212 [213] 214 215 216 . . . 365 Volgende

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