Posteringer: 52
18. Feb 2008. 20:21:02
Pomozimo drkiju. U nedostatku psihoaktivnih supstanci, svašta radi, a onda ovde na forumu otvara veæ postojeæe teme, a teme koje su jedinstvene briše. Briše i one teme koje misli da ne trebaju da budu tu. Briše èak i svoje nove teme i postove. Briše sve.. Pomozimo drkiju. Dajte dinar za špric...
----------------- There lived a certain man in Russia long ago He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow Most people looked at him with terror and with fear But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear He could preach the bible like a preacher Full of ecstasy and fire But he also was the kind of teacher Women would desire.
Posteringer: 45
18. Feb 2008. 20:52:40
A da prvo tebi pomognemo
Tako sto cemo ti poslati interventnu ekipu psihijatara na kucni prag? Kad vec ti oko tebe ne vide ili ne znaju kako da ti pomognu....
Posteringer: 279
18. Feb 2008. 21:15:18
Tebe je majka priroda naspricala za ceo zivot !
Tema se zakljucava.
----------------- "We come up on different streets, they both were the streets of shame, Both dirty, both mean, yes, and the dream was just the same, And I dreamed your dream for you, and now your dream is real How can you look at me as if I was just another one of your deals?"
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