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Posts: 102
22. Mar 2006. 15:27:39
Sta trenutno slushate...?
Alen Islamovic - Srce od kamena
 Posts: 2575
03. Fev 2008. 07:34:01
We Can Rule The World
Take That
----------------- Out of sight....out of mind...
 Posts: 5214
03. Fev 2008. 20:34:40
Petar Graso
Jos uvik slipo virujem
----------------- Èudno je kako je malo potrebno da budemo sreæni, i još èudnije: kako èesto nam baš to malo nedostaje Ivo Andriæ
 Posts: 2575
03. Fev 2008. 21:56:18
Musica e’
Eros Ramazzotti
----------------- Out of sight....out of mind...
 Posts: 1797
04. Fev 2008. 00:25:15
Dire Straits - Brothers In Arms
"These mist covered mountains Are a home now for me But my home is the lowlands And always will be. Some day you’ll return to Your valleys and your farms And you’ll no longer burn To be brothers in arms.
Through these fields of destruction Baptism of fire..........."
i posle svih devojaka, svih simpatija, mozda najvrednije nesto sto imao sam to su ljudi koji bi zivot dali za mene, zao mi je sto nisu vise samnom mnogi, a ovi koji jesu znaju da smo braca, braca po....!
casa vina i neka davna leta po nekim vukojebinama bivse sfrj ziveli svi tamo negde, gde god da ste !
----------------- Sanjajte kao da cete ziveti zauvek ! Zivite kao da cete umreti danas ! danju ovako: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvBkbPEoeAI nocu ovako: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAM-v-oo2o8&feature=related
 Posts: 2575
04. Fev 2008. 01:54:23
Another Suitcase In Another Hall
iz filma Evita
I don’t expect my love affairs to last for long Never fool myself that my dreams will come true Being used to trouble I anticipate it But all the same I hate it--wouldn’t you? So what happens now?
Another suitcase in another hall So what happens now?
Take your picture off another wall
Where am I going to? You’ll get by, you always have before Where am I going to?
Time and time again I’ve said that I don’t care That I’m immune to gloom, that I’m hard through and through But every time it matters all my words desert me So anyone can hurt me--and they do So what happens now?
Another suitcase in another hall So what happens now? Take your picture off another wall
Where am I going to?
----------------- Out of sight....out of mind...
 Posts: 2603
04. Fev 2008. 01:56:14
Brian Adams - When You Really Love A Woman
----------------- "svi ste vi ovde pobednici necega samo sto jos uvek to ne znate"
"if you only know how beautiful you really are then everything would be in it’s place"
Posts: 1461
04. Fev 2008. 10:22:18
Joe Face - Maniac
 Posts: 5214
04. Fev 2008. 11:50:34
Jagode sa slagom
----------------- Èudno je kako je malo potrebno da budemo sreæni, i još èudnije: kako èesto nam baš to malo nedostaje Ivo Andriæ
Posts: 1461
04. Fev 2008. 12:09:33
Serdar Ortac - Dansöz
 Posts: 825

04. Fev 2008. 18:00:25
Tose-"Igra bez granica"
----------------- Haljinicu boje lila O Ti si dušo oblaèila
 Posts: 1797
04. Fev 2008. 18:15:06
clarence carter-to weak to fight-1968
----------------- Sanjajte kao da cete ziveti zauvek ! Zivite kao da cete umreti danas ! danju ovako: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvBkbPEoeAI nocu ovako: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAM-v-oo2o8&feature=related
 Posts: 64
04. Fev 2008. 20:06:55
Bedzih Smetana-Vltava
 Posts: 5214
04. Fev 2008. 21:50:59
Ace ofBase
----------------- Èudno je kako je malo potrebno da budemo sreæni, i još èudnije: kako èesto nam baš to malo nedostaje Ivo Andriæ
 Posts: 285
04. Fev 2008. 22:03:39
I saw red
----------------- "Najsretniji ljudi nisu oni koji imaju ono što je najbolje, veæ oni koji najbolje iskoriste ono što imaju."
Páginas : Anterior 1 . . . 78 79 80 [81] 82 83 84 . . . 345 Seguinte |
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