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 Posts: 2309
31. Mai 2006. 10:56:08
mislim da znate pravila ove igre,zato napred
 Posts: 1016
31. Jul 2008. 21:55:47
EKstra bi bilo da neki zacuTE
----------------- cutanje je zlato vidim mogi su se obogatili
 Posts: 557

31. Jul 2008. 22:56:08
TEpanje samo tu pomaŽE
----------------- "Prazne duše.. ej, ne bi im video žar u oèima, ni da im brkneš pljugom u zenice - tu led poèiva.. I ne bi bili duboko dirnuti ni da im zabiješ ceo kar.. Deca proseka život ne shvataju kao dar".
 Posts: 4143
01. Ago 2008. 00:55:08
ZEstoko pice jos vise otvara usTE....
----------------- Life’s a journey not a destination
Have you ever had a dream? or is life just a trip? a trip without chances a chance to grow up quick
 Posts: 2603
01. Ago 2008. 00:58:36
TElefon ti zvoNI
----------------- "svi ste vi ovde pobednici necega samo sto jos uvek to ne znate"
"if you only know how beautiful you really are then everything would be in it’s place"
 Posts: 4143
01. Ago 2008. 01:03:20
INstinkt ti dobAR....
----------------- Life’s a journey not a destination
Have you ever had a dream? or is life just a trip? a trip without chances a chance to grow up quick
 Posts: 2603
01. Ago 2008. 01:11:00
A Radio svira nasu pesMU
----------------- "svi ste vi ovde pobednici necega samo sto jos uvek to ne znate"
"if you only know how beautiful you really are then everything would be in it’s place"
 Posts: 4143
01. Ago 2008. 01:28:16
MUziku volim...pusti radio jaCE...
----------------- Life’s a journey not a destination
Have you ever had a dream? or is life just a trip? a trip without chances a chance to grow up quick
 Posts: 2603
01. Ago 2008. 01:43:18
Cekamo jutro da se razdaNI
----------------- "svi ste vi ovde pobednici necega samo sto jos uvek to ne znate"
"if you only know how beautiful you really are then everything would be in it’s place"
 Posts: 4143
01. Ago 2008. 01:49:29
u NIkom slucaju,,sutra radan dAN....
----------------- Life’s a journey not a destination
Have you ever had a dream? or is life just a trip? a trip without chances a chance to grow up quick
 Posts: 2603
01. Ago 2008. 01:57:52
ANanas je poskupeo moramo opet da se vratimo na banaNE
----------------- "svi ste vi ovde pobednici necega samo sto jos uvek to ne znate"
"if you only know how beautiful you really are then everything would be in it’s place"
 Posts: 557

01. Ago 2008. 02:14:11
NEktarine su zakON
----------------- "Prazne duše.. ej, ne bi im video žar u oèima, ni da im brkneš pljugom u zenice - tu led poèiva.. I ne bi bili duboko dirnuti ni da im zabiješ ceo kar.. Deca proseka život ne shvataju kao dar".
 Posts: 4143
01. Ago 2008. 02:17:19
NEophodan podatak,,hvaLA...
----------------- Life’s a journey not a destination
Have you ever had a dream? or is life just a trip? a trip without chances a chance to grow up quick
 Posts: 4818
01. Ago 2008. 02:25:15
LAko je kad mozesh da nadjes zamenu za sVE!!!!
 Posts: 4143
01. Ago 2008. 02:28:24
VElika je to stvar nema sTA...
----------------- Life’s a journey not a destination
Have you ever had a dream? or is life just a trip? a trip without chances a chance to grow up quick
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