Páginas : Anterior 1 . . . 909 910 911 [912] 913 914 915 . . . 3428 Seguinte |
 Posts: 2309
31. Mai 2006. 10:56:08
mislim da znate pravila ove igre,zato napred
 Posts: 15517
03. Ago 2008. 21:29:17
zASHto ne popiyesh 1no
za smireNJE
 Posts: 3523
03. Ago 2008. 21:53:03
JEdno, dva.... ...popIO
 Posts: 1362
03. Ago 2008. 22:24:43
Pio sam ceo dan limunaDU....
----------------- Svi ljudi imaju iste mane,ali nemaju iste vrline.
Po vrlinama nas cene samo prijatelji,a po manama neprijatelji.
 Posts: 1396
03. Ago 2008. 22:32:51
DUsha mi spava...a ne mogu!!!!
Ubishe me gosti i noci ne prospavaNE!
----------------- Zaviri u svoje srce, mozda te iznenadi lepota
 Posts: 3523
03. Ago 2008. 22:34:29
NEdaj se godinaMA...
 Posts: 1396
04. Ago 2008. 00:08:50
MA..to mi lici na Serbedziju i Ne daj se Ines...
da ne greshIM?
----------------- Zaviri u svoje srce, mozda te iznenadi lepota
 Posts: 15517
04. Ago 2008. 00:13:47
IMash nesaniCU
 Posts: 557

04. Ago 2008. 01:03:23
CUre vole da piškaju u pesAK
----------------- "Prazne duše.. ej, ne bi im video žar u oèima, ni da im brkneš pljugom u zenice - tu led poèiva.. I ne bi bili duboko dirnuti ni da im zabiješ ceo kar.. Deca proseka život ne shvataju kao dar".
Posts: 161
04. Ago 2008. 03:31:42
AKrobacije su to nevidjeNE
 Posts: 279
04. Ago 2008. 03:37:19
Nema da faLI
ISpalio se maLO
Ja samo pitao, nisam tamo bio 10 god ! Ja ispaljujem samo kalibar od 10.9mm
----------------- "We come up on different streets, they both were the streets of shame, Both dirty, both mean, yes, and the dream was just the same, And I dreamed your dream for you, and now your dream is real How can you look at me as if I was just another one of your deals?" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGIelcG0r3s&feature=related
 Posts: 4143
04. Ago 2008. 09:26:44
----------------- Life’s a journey not a destination
Have you ever had a dream? or is life just a trip? a trip without chances a chance to grow up quick
 Posts: 14825
04. Ago 2008. 11:58:58
ORo je kao neko koLo....
Prihvati svaku stresnu situaciju kao pas...Ako je ne možeš pojesti ili igrati se sa njom,jednostavno se popiški na nju.... ... ...
 Posts: 279
04. Ago 2008. 12:04:49
LOL , bebe, bebe, nesto o "babama" razmisljam, ne znam zasTO 
(verovatno zanimljivije od klinki pa...)
----------------- "We come up on different streets, they both were the streets of shame, Both dirty, both mean, yes, and the dream was just the same, And I dreamed your dream for you, and now your dream is real How can you look at me as if I was just another one of your deals?" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGIelcG0r3s&feature=related
 Posts: 14825
04. Ago 2008. 12:07:23
OLi,ti mene malo zezaTI......
Prihvati svaku stresnu situaciju kao pas...Ako je ne možeš pojesti ili igrati se sa njom,jednostavno se popiški na nju.... ... ...
Páginas : Anterior 1 . . . 909 910 911 [912] 913 914 915 . . . 3428 Seguinte |
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