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Páginas : Anterior 1 . . . 909 910 911 [912] 913 914 915 . . . 3428 Seguinte
_kasper_ #1

Posts: 2309

31. Mai 2006. 10:56:08

mislim da znate pravila ove igre,zato napred

XiPe #12756

Posts: 15517

03. Ago 2008. 21:29:17
zASHto ne popiyesh 1no

za smireNJE


delko #12757

Posts: 3523

03. Ago 2008. 21:53:03
JEdno, dva.... ...popIO

Arrows84 #12758

Posts: 1362

03. Ago 2008. 22:24:43

Pio sam ceo dan limunaDU....

Svi ljudi imaju iste mane,ali nemaju iste vrline.

Po vrlinama nas cene samo prijatelji,a po manama neprijatelji.
hannah #12759

Posts: 1396

03. Ago 2008. 22:32:51

DUsha mi spava...a ne mogu!!!!

Ubishe me gosti i noci ne prospavaNE!

Zaviri u svoje srce, mozda te iznenadi lepota
delko #12760

Posts: 3523

03. Ago 2008. 22:34:29
NEdaj se godinaMA...

hannah #12761

Posts: 1396

04. Ago 2008. 00:08:50
MA..to mi lici na Serbedziju i Ne daj se Ines...

da ne greshIM?

Zaviri u svoje srce, mozda te iznenadi lepota
XiPe #12762

Posts: 15517

04. Ago 2008. 00:13:47
IMash nesaniCU


Arwena #12763

Posts: 557

04. Ago 2008. 01:03:23
CUre vole da piškaju u pesAK

"Prazne duše.. ej, ne bi im video žar u oèima,
ni da im brkneš pljugom u zenice - tu led poèiva..
I ne bi bili duboko dirnuti ni da im zabiješ ceo kar..
Deca proseka život ne shvataju kao dar".
maskembal #12764
Posts: 161

04. Ago 2008. 03:31:42
AKrobacije su to nevidjeNE

DirtyHarry #12765

Posts: 279

04. Ago 2008. 03:37:19

Nema da faLI

ISpalio se maLO

Ja samo pitao, nisam tamo bio 10 god !
Ja ispaljujem samo kalibar od 10.9mm

"We come up on different streets,
they both were the streets of shame,
Both dirty, both mean, yes,
and the dream was just the same,
And I dreamed your dream for you,
and now your dream is real
How can you look at me as if I
was just another one of your deals?"
fioncica #12766

Posts: 4143

04. Ago 2008. 09:26:44

Life’s a journey not a destination

Have you ever had a dream?
or is life just a trip?
a trip without chances
a chance to grow up quick
Bebe #12767

Posts: 14825

04. Ago 2008. 11:58:58
ORo je kao neko koLo....



Prihvati svaku stresnu situaciju kao pas...Ako je ne možeš pojesti ili igrati se sa njom,jednostavno se popiški na nju.... ... ...
DirtyHarry #12768

Posts: 279

04. Ago 2008. 12:04:49

LOL , bebe, bebe, nesto o "babama" razmisljam, ne znam zasTO

(verovatno zanimljivije od klinki pa...)

"We come up on different streets,
they both were the streets of shame,
Both dirty, both mean, yes,
and the dream was just the same,
And I dreamed your dream for you,
and now your dream is real
How can you look at me as if I
was just another one of your deals?"
Bebe #12769

Posts: 14825

04. Ago 2008. 12:07:23
OLi,ti mene malo zezaTI......


Prihvati svaku stresnu situaciju kao pas...Ako je ne možeš pojesti ili igrati se sa njom,jednostavno se popiški na nju.... ... ...
Páginas : Anterior 1 . . . 909 910 911 [912] 913 914 915 . . . 3428 Seguinte

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