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2. Zabava, kultura, umetnost > Muzika, koncerti > Sta trenutno slushate...?

Pagini : Anterior 1 . . . 116 117 118 [119] 120 121 122 . . . 345 Urmatorul
Bacterija #1
Raspunsuri: 102

22. Mar 2006. 15:27:39
Sta trenutno slushate...?

Alen Islamovic - Srce od kamena
SanjaK #1654

Raspunsuri: 4213

15. Iul 2008. 04:30:28

Zeljko Joksimovic --- Nije do mene


...Ti bices program mog kompjutera...
LASICA #1655
Raspunsuri: 86

15. Iul 2008. 21:14:08
tako je kako je

STRUKA-hoces beef sa mnom
Tinkerbell_ #1656

Raspunsuri: 551

15. Iul 2008. 22:14:30

trenutno neki CD s filmskom muzikom

...ko izgori, taj ne može planut,
ko ljubljaše, taj ljubavi nema...
SanjaK #1657

Raspunsuri: 4213

16. Iul 2008. 03:34:07

Pocela sam opet narodnjake

Deni --- Volim te na kvadrat

...Ti bices program mog kompjutera...
goxy30 #1658

Raspunsuri: 949

16. Iul 2008. 04:14:21

Tina & Ike Turner - Proud Mary

When the last curtains fall down
I will proudly leave this poor place
I will swim hard, hard, just to get you somewhere there...
I love you, and I always will, even god or a devil cent take that from me
even when Iam dead you will be with me

astralprojection #1659
Raspunsuri: 234

16. Iul 2008. 07:40:20
i opet...PINK FLOYD

4 njihova neviðeno jaka albuma

The Dark Side of the Moon......................1973
Wish You Were Here...............................1975
The Wall (dupli)......................................1979

ne zna se koji je bolji!

...I will see you on the dark side of the moon...
_AJKULA_ #1660

Raspunsuri: 508

17. Iul 2008. 01:47:28

Suprugu kako

Tinkerbell_ #1661

Raspunsuri: 551

20. Iul 2008. 22:56:54

tarja turunen .... taj glas me tako odmara

...ko izgori, taj ne može planut,
ko ljubljaše, taj ljubavi nema...
SanjaK #1662

Raspunsuri: 4213

21. Iul 2008. 14:51:53

Prljavo kazaliste - Tu noc kad si se udavala

...Ti bices program mog kompjutera...
LASICA #1663
Raspunsuri: 86

21. Iul 2008. 23:25:42

SanjaK el si ti to tuzna ili hoces da se rastuzis

arabel #1664

Raspunsuri: 3314

31. Iul 2008. 10:22:51

Chris..."On the Beach"

*** Prisutna kao svetlost bez glasa ***

goxy30 #1665

Raspunsuri: 949

01. Aug 2008. 05:02:12
Bruce Springsteen - Fire


When the last curtains fall down
I will proudly leave this poor place
I will swim hard, hard, just to get you somewhere there...
I love you, and I always will, even god or a devil cent take that from me
even when Iam dead you will be with me

LepaLeni #1666

Raspunsuri: 11046

02. Aug 2008. 22:29:54

Et -
tek je 12 sati

>’Covek Nikada Nije Toliko Nesrecan Kao Sto Misli,
Ni Tako Srecan Kao Sto Se Nadao Da Ce Biti’..<
SanjaK #1667

Raspunsuri: 4213

04. Aug 2008. 15:35:22
Severina - Gas Gas

...Ti bices program mog kompjutera...
Pagini : Anterior 1 . . . 116 117 118 [119] 120 121 122 . . . 345 Urmatorul

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