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_kasper_ #1

Posts: 2309

31. Má 2006. 10:56:08

mislim da znate pravila ove igre,zato napred

XiPe #11216

Posts: 15517

17. Jú 2008. 19:23:46

o’5 se poklopishe



fioncica #11217

Posts: 4143

17. Jú 2008. 19:24:03

DA definitivno kasnIM

Life’s a journey not a destination

Have you ever had a dream?
or is life just a trip?
a trip without chances
a chance to grow up quick
XiPe #11218

Posts: 15517

17. Jú 2008. 19:26:28
IMa da stignesh na odrediishte, to ye bitNO


klenovsek #11219

Posts: 1075

17. Jú 2008. 19:29:39

NOcas prozor mora pasti u potpisu tiTO

bolje je biti medju progonjenima,nego medju progoniteljima
fioncica #11220

Posts: 4143

17. Jú 2008. 19:31:37

TO je sada neka nova seMA?

Life’s a journey not a destination

Have you ever had a dream?
or is life just a trip?
a trip without chances
a chance to grow up quick
XiPe #11221

Posts: 15517

17. Jú 2008. 19:32:39
MA idem ya, da Wam ne smetAM


klenovsek #11222

Posts: 1075

17. Jú 2008. 19:34:24

AMerika i engleska bice zemlja proletersKA

bolje je biti medju progonjenima,nego medju progoniteljima
fioncica #11223

Posts: 4143

17. Jú 2008. 19:36:19

KAvi XiPe,,??ne smetAS

Life’s a journey not a destination

Have you ever had a dream?
or is life just a trip?
a trip without chances
a chance to grow up quick
klenovsek #11224

Posts: 1075

17. Jú 2008. 19:40:17

ASto bi smetao xiPE

bolje je biti medju progonjenima,nego medju progoniteljima
baba_roga #11225

Posts: 753

17. Jú 2008. 20:18:08
PEsak mu usho u oCHI

klenovsek #11226

Posts: 1075

17. Jú 2008. 20:21:27

CHicha gorio je lepa knjiga

bolje je biti medju progonjenima,nego medju progoniteljima
Boki_bg #11227

Posts: 1693

17. Jú 2008. 20:47:43

GAshpar da je dohvati, bila bi pepEO

> <
klenovsek #11228

Posts: 1075

17. Jú 2008. 21:09:56

EOn je vremensko razdobLJE

bolje je biti medju progonjenima,nego medju progoniteljima
XiPe #11229

Posts: 15517

17. Jú 2008. 21:53:33
LJubilE me lepe zheNE


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