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27. Að 2008. 03:02:54
Šta bi sve uèinili za ljubav vašeg života ???
And I swear, I love you Cos loving you is what I’m made for I’d gladly give my all and all It doesn’t matter where I am As long as I’m with you #### ####
----------------- When the last curtains fall down I will proudly leave this poor place I will swim hard, hard, just to get you somewhere there... I love you, and I always will, even god or a devil cent take that from me even when Iam dead you will be with me
![]( Posts: 279
27. Að 2008. 11:29:59
Ja bi je opalio kundakom da me je dovela ta ljubav tu gde je tebe dovela magare edno, id se bolje obuci nazepsces pa posle ko ce te voli tako slinavog !
----------------- "We come up on different streets, they both were the streets of shame, Both dirty, both mean, yes, and the dream was just the same, And I dreamed your dream for you, and now your dream is real How can you look at me as if I was just another one of your deals?"
![]( Posts: 230
28. Að 2008. 12:03:35
ja sam se udala za ljubav svog zivota
pre 31 godinu i opet bi se udala za njega
sve naj lepse u nasim zivotima , smo skupa doziveli
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28. Að 2008. 12:29:37
Stupanjem u vezu muskarac na sebe prima nepisanu obavezu da za nju da i svoj zivot, ako je potrebno.
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28. Að 2008. 13:03:23
gde si bio celog mog zivota? pa ti si muskarac za mene
----------------- Everybody’s Free, Everybody’s Free
To Feel Good!
Posts: 245
01. Eyl 2008. 19:22:39
ja sam se udala za ljubav svog zivota
pre 31 godinu i opet bi se udala za njega
sve naj lepse u nasim zivotima , smo skupa doziveli
Da li si podnela papire za penziju, 31 godina ljubavnog staza nije malo... A ti bi opet [pa da zaradis duplu penziju?!
(pa nije ti ljubav tvog zivota NOB pa da dobijes boracku penziju...)
![]( Posts: 230
01. Eyl 2008. 22:09:53
o kapitalu ne diskutujem...podrazumeva se
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02. Eyl 2008. 06:16:42
i luv my tarantula
gde mi je ona ebena fosna da joj ebem.....
----------------- When the last curtains fall down I will proudly leave this poor place I will swim hard, hard, just to get you somewhere there... I love you, and I always will, even god or a devil cent take that from me even when Iam dead you will be with me
![]( Posts: 14825
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10. Eyl 2008. 12:45:52
Sve....i moguæe i nemoguæe....
Prihvati svaku stresnu situaciju kao pas...Ako je ne možeš pojesti ili igrati se sa njom,jednostavno se popiški na nju.... ... ...
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15. Eyl 2008. 05:16:40
ucinila bih sve
ako je ljubav prava sve bez ostatka i prikrivanja SVE
----------------- Imam problem za svako rešenje
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15. Eyl 2008. 06:31:45
ako ....
----------------- Pewac je samo jedan, Sve su ostalo NIJANSE....
![]( Posts: 23
20. Eyl 2008. 18:46:26
SKORO sve...
----------------- Ajnstain je jednom rekao ne veruj sjaju u njegovim ocima,to je samo svetlost sto mu prolazi kroz suplju glavu!!!
![]( Posts: 114
21. Eyl 2008. 02:06:46
I’ll do everything for you!
----------------- Can you imagine what it feels to cross an ocean?
![]( Posts: 47
21. Eyl 2008. 02:49:20
Just about everything, everything for my brick !
My COTTON blonde, my hillbilly cutepie
----------------- Looking for a strong hillbilly "man", are you there baby ? My Cotton_man
![]( Posts: 3
28. Eyl 2008. 21:10:14
mislim da samo mnogo pricate...lako je obecavati i hvaliti se,ali kada dodje do necega...onda...prpa....povlacenje i isprike
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