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ID anketası#[0000180196]
Total photos: 0
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Qonaq üçün keçmə bağlıdır |
Ad |
jayavac |
Yuzerin Adı |
stef |
Ad günü |
16. Avq 1985. |
Cins |
Kişi |
Orientation |
Heterosexual |
Tanişlığın məqsədi |
Romantika,Uzunmüddətli əlaqələr,Dostluq,Intim-sex |
Ölkə(şəhər) |
Serbia |
Ü van |
zrenjanin |
Boy |
178 sm |
Çəki |
82 kg |
Saçların rəngi |
Qara |
Gözlərin rəngi |
Yaşıl |
Known languages |
English, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Slovenian, Italian, Bulgarian |
İş |
svakodnevno |
Həvəs |
svasta nesto i po nesto |
Özün haqqında |
Samo opusteno |
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Forum posts |
2 , Last post , Click here to see user`s forum posts |
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[Səhv anket]
Hello |
12. Noy 2015. 23:54:46 |
Hi dear, It is my pleasure meeting you, I am Gen Susan Helms, I am a United State Army officer, from united state of America, am supportive and caring, looking forward to get a nice friend, I read your profile here and pick interest on you, I will like to establish mutual friendship with you.Please let continue our conversation through my private email box, Here is my email address ( Susanhelms57/at/outl/o/o/k.c/o/m ) I will introduce myself better and send you my picture as soon as i receive your mail.I will love to meet you for a serious relationship, I come in contact with you and I really wish to indicate my interest although am not always available to write mail due to the condition of my duty.Yours, Gen Susan Helms.  |