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Femina Magazin


Ljubavni Sastanak na Fejsbuku
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ID anketası#[0000089659]

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[Bildiriş göndərmək]   [Səhv anket] Qonaq üçün keçmə bağlıdır
Ad albanac1
Yuzerin Adı KOLJO
Ad günü 12. Yan 1980.
Cins Kişi
Orientation Heterosexual
Tanişlığın məqsədi Romantika,Intim-sex,for fun
Ölkə(şəhər) Serbia
Ü van ZG
Boy 188 sm
Çəki 91 kg
Saçların rəngi Qara
Gözlərin rəngi Qara
Known languages English, Croatian, Bosnian
İş nista
Interests Martial Arts
Özün haqqında ozbiljan,,,,putem trazim curu iznad 18 do 35 godina za avanturu pa sta bude dalje,,,ko zna,,,,,
Sizin axtarırsız Qadın
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Forum posts 153 , Last post , Click here to see user`s forum posts
[Bildiriş göndərmək]   [Səhv anket]

Hello 12. Noy 2015. 23:42:17
Hi dear,
It is my pleasure meeting you,
I am Gen Susan Helms, I am a United State Army officer, from united state of America, am supportive and caring, looking forward to get a nice friend, I read your profile here and pick interest on you, I will like to establish mutual friendship with you.Please let continue our conversation through my private email box, Here is my email address ( Susanhelms57/at/outl/o/o/k.c/o/m ) I will introduce myself better and send you my picture as soon as i receive your mail.I will love to meet you for a serious relationship, I come in contact with you and I really wish to indicate my interest although am not always available to write mail due to the condition of my duty.Yours,
Gen Susan Helms.

:) 14. Sen 2008. 01:55:46

You are so cute, if I dont catch my COTTON MAN....will let you know and than we can do some crazy things !?


nezavisnost 01. Apr 2008. 18:14:00
ma najboljisi

nezavisnost 01. Apr 2008. 18:12:43


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