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Femina Magazin


Ljubavni Sastanak na Fejsbuku
Svako vece od 20 casova okupljanje u Pricaonici. Dobrodosli!
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Perfil ID#[0000220205]

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Usuario Cindybebey
Nome de usuario Rezabeth
Idade 28. Jul 1989.
Sexo Feminino
Orientation Heterosexual
Tipo de relacao Romance
País Croatia
Cidade Asseria
Estatura 5'7' (171cm)
Peso 110 lbs (50kg)
(linguagem(Idioma) desconhecido English, Croatian, Czech
Ocupação Student
Sobre Honest, cheerful, always positive – I try to take from life everything I can, go through life with
a smile and hope. I am always willing to achieve my aims, work hard and reach the final result. I a
m cheerful and kind hearted person, I am caring, soft, optimistic, loyal, fair and responsive!I am f
unny, full of energy and passion!
Buscando por Masculino
Blog Click here to see user`s blog
Forum posts 0
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