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Perfil ID#[0000094099]

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Nome de usuario toma
Idade 14. Set 1984.
Sexo Masculino
Orientation Heterosexual
Tipo de relacao Romance,longo relacionamento,para amizade,para sexo,for chat,for fun,for marriage
País Serbia
Cidade leskovac
Estatura 6'0' (183cm)
Peso 180 lbs (82kg)
Cor da pele pelo Castanho
Color dos olhos Verde
(linguagem(Idioma) desconhecido English, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian
Ocupação ne zaposlen
Hobby pecanje, kosarka, plivanje, kompjuteri itd
Interests Animals/Pets, Arts / Crafts, Billiards / Pool / Darts, Cars / Motorcycles, Computers / Internet, Cycling, Dancing, Gym / Aerobics / Keep fit, Hiking / Camping, Literature / History, Motor Racing, Music - Alternative, Music - Blues/Jazz, Music - Dance / Electronic, Music - Latin, Music - New Age, Music - Pop / R&B, Music - Rock, Music - World, Nature, Nightclubs / Clubs, Outdoors, Politics, Reading, Shopping, Theatre / Ballet, Water Sports
Sobre upoznaj me pa ces videti mislim reci su suvisne najbolje je da sama saznas
Buscando por Feminino
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Forum posts 0
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:o) 20. Nov 2008. 17:34:45
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