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Profil ID#[0000049635]

Total photos: 2  

Activity board
[Pošalji poruku]   [Nepotpun profil] Samo za registrovane korisnike
Korisnièko ime sali_1
Ime Jelena
Roðendan 19. Jul 1969.
Pol Žensko
Orientation Heterosexual
Vrsta veze za prijateljstvo
Zemlja Srbija
Grad Beograd
Visina 5'8" (173cm)
Težina 135 lbs (61kg)
Boja kose Smeða
Boja oèiju Zeleno
Poznati jezici Engleski, Srpski, French
Posao visoka strucna sprema
Interests Reading, Travel / Sightseeing
O meni Zabranjen pristup ozenjenima,starcima, klincima...pacenicima,prevarantima... Ako neko preostane ok.
Tražim Muško
Blog Click here to see user`s blog
Forum posts 0
[Pošalji poruku]   [Nepotpun profil]

hi 06. Avg 2014. 19:56:34

Hi dear friend,

I’M Lt. General Eric Fiel, I am a UNITED STATE ARMY GENERAL, From united state of America, Am supportive and caring, looking forward to get a nice friend and I interest on you, I will like to establish mutual friendship with you, Please let continue our conversation through my private email box, Here is my email address (efforce (AT) h o t m a i l . c o m) I will introduce myself better and send you my picture as soon as i receive your mail.
Thanks and regards.

Lt. Gen. Eric Fiel.


cao! 21. Jan 2010. 13:54:15
:-K :-K :-K

chat 15. Mar 2008. 12:36:21
konacno,zena koja zna sta hoce!!!!

. 14. Mar 2008. 21:43:34
:-V :-K

komentar 22. Okt 2007. 23:46:26
;-C da se bolje upoznamo :-K

caoo andjele 03. Nov 2006. 20:53:48
javi mi se na mail

ta da te i ja ocenim 10. Sep 2006. 17:28:38
lepo,lepo nema sta

za stajlng 06. Sep 2006. 21:10:48
cista 10.......................... :-H

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