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Profil ID#[0000125263]

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Nick prepotentna
Jméno uživatele ???????????
Datum narození 01. Led 1998.
Pohlaví Žena
Orientation Bisexual
Typ vztahu romantika,vážný vztah,pøátelství,for sex,for chat,for fun,for marriage
Zemì Serbia
Mìsto Najlepsi
Výška 5'8" (173cm)
Váha 135 lbs (61kg)
Barva vlasù Black
Barva oèí Zelená
Known languages Serbian
Profese imam ga
Interests Animals/Pets, Arts / Crafts, Computers / Internet, Cooking, Food and Wine, Literature / History, Movies / Cinema, Museums / Galleries, Music - Classical / Opera, Music - Dance / Electronic, Music - Rock, Music - World, Nature, Nightclubs / Clubs, Outdoors, Reading, Restaurants, Sailing / Boating, Shopping, Sports (Playing), Television / Radio, Travel / Sightseeing, Volunteer / Charity, Water Sports
O vás The f u c k is good, the luck is fuuny, ewrybody f u c k for money, if you want to luck sommebody, fuck your self and save your money! Fuck you!
Hledám Žena
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Zdravo 25. Èe 2019. 01:02:23

Pozdrav iz Svedske,,,


ZDRAVO 28. Kv� 2016. 17:38:34
Zdravo :) Da li si raspolozena za vruce dopisivanje :)


.... 11. Ún 2016. 17:41:32
hahaha dobra si prava istina

,,, 26. Led 2016. 19:53:31
extra izgled...zanimljiv profil

lepotica 14. Lis 2014. 21:27:08
ljudi ovako nesto majka vise ne radja

pozz 28. Zá 2014. 17:36:58

cao 16. Zá 2014. 08:59:21

... 29. Bø 2014. 08:49:41
:-K prelepa, imaš sve atribute voleo bih doživeti sex sa tobom

Sliša 18. Led 2014. 16:49:22

cao! 10. Lis 2013. 12:49:42
Dobro i razonodno vece! :hello:

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