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Profil ID#[0000023030]

Summe Fotos: 1  

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[Nachricht senden]   [Falsches Profil] Zugang für Nichtmitglieder verwehrt
Mitgliedsname padobranac1
Mitglieds Vorname padobranac1
Geburtstag 17. Mai 1972.
Geschlecht männlich
Orientierung Heterosexuell
Beziehungsart Romantik,Freundschaft,for fun
Staat Serbia
Stadt Jagodina
Größe 183cm
Gewicht 70kg
Haarfarbe Schwarz
Augenfarbe Braun
Welche Sprache sprichst Du Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Russisch
Beruf posao mi je zabavan
Hobby foto i video
Interessen Autos / Motorräder, Computer / Internet, Eis / Schneesport, Motorrad fahren, Bergsteigen, Filme / Kino, Musik - Alternative, Musik - World, Nachtclubs / Clubs, Outdoor, Politik
Über misteriozan,zabavan,volim ekstremne sportove i ...nesto vise,kasnije......
Suche nach weiblich
Blog Click here to see user`s blog
Forum posts 0 , letzte Post
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hi 07. M&a 2016. 12:20:27
Hi dear friend,
I am Lt. Gen. Flora D. Darpino. I am a United State ARMY GENERAL. Am supportive and caring, looking forward to get a nice friend. I read your profile and pick interest on you. I will
like to establish mutual friendship with you. Please let continue our
conversation through my private email box. Here is my email address
darpinoflorad2(AT)gmail. com ) I will introduce myself better and send you my
picture as soon as i receive your mail.
Thanks and regards.
Gen. Flora D. Darpino.
darpinoflorad2(AT)gmail. com )


# 07. Feb 2013. 20:37:41
10-ka od :love9: ne za profil, nego za osobu koja stoji iza njega :-H

pozzz 23. Jan 2013. 00:52:23
:-V :-K

... 01. Feb 2009. 12:23:10
:-H ;-K

za druga 06. Jan 2008. 22:28:02
Koja je vlada najbolja? Ona koja nas uèi da sami vladamo sobom,ovaj momak je takav ljudi.

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