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Femina Magazin


Ljubavni Sastanak na Fejsbuku
Svako vece od 20 casova okupljanje u Pricaonici. Dobrodosli!
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must only to register for free.
Profil ID#[0000087929]

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[Nachricht senden]   [Falsches Profil] Zugang für Nichtmitglieder verwehrt
Mitgliedsname Aresa
Mitglieds Vorname Modesty
Geburtstag 21. M&a 1985.
Geschlecht weiblich
Orientierung Heterosexuell
Beziehungsart Freundschaft
Staat Serbia
Stadt Museum of Waxworks
Größe 173cm
Gewicht 59kg
Welche Sprache sprichst Du Englisch, Serbian
Interessen Tiere / Haustiere, Künste / Fertigkeiten, Astrologie / Neues Alter, Computer / Internet, Tanzen, Gym / Aerobics / Keep fit, Literatur / Historie, Museum / Gallerien, Musik - Classic / Oper, Musik - Rock, Natur, Lesen, Religion, Yoga / Meditation
Über You wonder: Who am I, coming at you like your shadow, like a bird in flight in the dark of the night?

I am the first and the last.
I am the honored one and the scorned one.
I am the whore and the holy one.
I am the substance and the one who has no substance.


There are things you need to know about Love and Creation...

What can I know about Love, you ask?
I seduce, I destroy, I have no heart?
I live in the Tree of Life,
With the serpent in the roots and the thunderbird in it’s branches.

Why are you afraid of me, afraid of the Tree???

What you see outside is what is inside of you!
And what is inside of you is what is outside of you!
Suche nach männlich
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[Nachricht senden]   [Falsches Profil]

10 09. Jun 2011. 12:29:35
dobila si desetku

samo u kojem filmu si ti glavna uloga da pogledam


12. Nov 2009. 04:53:01


14. Jun 2009. 20:49:03

Od Jelle


29. Mai 2009. 05:56:31
Dodjoh da ti ocenim profil +10, nisam odavno

Od Jelle


:)) 02. M&a 2009. 22:34:35


... 26. Jan 2009. 15:01:46
Pa zar bi ja tebe lagao

gale85 22. Dez 2008. 01:25:08
Ma ja sam ti ko Mile protiv tranzicije; samo marke, nikako druge valute stranih placenika, uzurpatora mira i ucenjivaca Srbije i njenog najboljeg i najpametnijeg naroda na svetu.


eee 21. Dez 2008. 19:55:47
Covek je tacno rekao....e nemoj u marke da se kladis..kladi se u eurima

pu bre... 20. Dez 2008. 03:39:53
ma cudo su ovi likovi ispod; svi znaju kako si dobra, slatka, umiljata dama... samo na osnovu fotke. Aj u dvae’s marki da ako stavis sliku neke debele, al napises extra profil, ni jedan ti se nece javiti?

Kako ono bese; lepota nije vazna, zar ne?


ja balkanexspres 19. Dez 2008. 22:24:37
pozdrav iz istanbul

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