Nastya - NastyaCher
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Femina Magazin


Ljubavni Sastanak na Fejsbuku
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УфпйчеЯб ID#[0000045208]

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[БрпуфплЮ мзнэмбфпт]   [Мз егкхсб уфпйчеЯб] Рсьувбуз брбгпсехмЭнз гйб мз чсЮуфет
Пнпмб чсЮуфз NastyaCher
Пнпмб чсЮуфз Nastya
ГенЭилйб 23. Ц� 1978.
Цэллп Бнфсбт
Orientation Heterosexual
Фхрпт учЭузт гйб спмбнфйкЮ учЭуз,гйб мбкспчсьнйб учЭуз,ãéá marriage
Чюсб Russian Federation
Рьлз Kazan
Хшпт 5'8" (173cm)
Вбспт 125 lbs (57kg)
Чсюмб мбллйюн Brown
Чсюмб мбфйюн КбцефЮ
Known languages English, Russian
УчефйкЬ I’m young lonely woman.I like to carry sexual frank linen of a house. As I very strictly
look at work. I like to vary. I can be strict,impudent as I can be very gentle and tender.
I rather sociable person. At me it is a lot of friends and familiar. But I and could not find the
second half. I want to find the happiness in life with the loved person. I want to give love and to
be loved. I still hope, that I can meet that person whom I will grow fond of me such what is.
I wish to get acquainted with the man for creation of family. I Love reading,
dances, cookery. Now I work in advertising agency as the manager. I the cheerful, kind and understanding
woman. I can go on concessions, for creation of mutual understanding and heat in family I can change the
religion if it will be demanded by my beloved..Details in the further correspondence!
I search good and beautiful for the man. For which it is possible to hope a difficult minute.
It should understand me and trust me. It should be serious and cheerful.
Бнбжзфзуз гйб Бнфсбт
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