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Profile ID#[0000120840]

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Username Martusia
User first (nick)name Marta
Birthday 27. Jun 1988.
Gender Female
Orientation Heterosexual
Type of Relationship for friendship
Country Poland
City Poznañ
Height 5'0" (155cm)
Weight 120 lbs (54kg)
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Gray
Known languages English, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, German, Polish
Hobby srpski jezik :>
Interests Animals/Pets, Arts / Crafts, Literature / History, Movies / Cinema, Music - Alternative, Music - Country, Music - Rock, Travel / Sightseeing
About "Nije važno odakle sam
Sve dok znadeš kuda putujem"
Seeking gender Male
Blog Click here to see user`s blog
Forum posts 0
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+ 3 8 6 4 9 6 4 9 7 0 3 07. Jul 2009. 01:32:16
:-R :-L ;-K :-V :-H

;-) 10. Jun 2009. 14:25:59
pozdrav i tebi :-B

hi 07. Jun 2009. 20:24:17
Czy chcesz mi # w Szwajcarii?
Pozdrowienia :-K


ja balkanexspres 28. Mar 2009. 16:01:21
pozdrav iz istanbul :-V

caos 26. Mar 2009. 01:16:49
veliki pozdrav iz makedonije i ako zeliz moze da se bolji upoznamo :-V 10za tebi

pozdrav 23. Mar 2009. 23:03:33
cao marta,jesi li za dopisivanje ja sanel iz Mostara,ako jesi javi se

Hallo 21. Mar 2009. 23:34:11
Guten Abend
Du bist Intellegante Frau so viel sprachen kennst du .
Grüsse aus der Schweiz


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