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Profile ID#[0000148463]

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Username ivan_74
User first (nick)name Ivan
Birthday 04. Apr 1966.
Gender Male
Orientation Heterosexual
Type of Relationship for romance,for long relationship,for friendship
Country Austria
City Wien, Austria
Height 6'0" (183cm)
Weight 190 lbs (86kg)
Hair color Brown
Eyes color Brown
Known languages Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, German, Bulgarian, Slovakian
Job kancelariski
Interests Billiards / Pool / Darts, Computers / Internet, Food and Wine, Movies / Cinema, Music - Country, Nature, Nightclubs / Clubs, Restaurants, Sailing / Boating, Shopping, Travel / Sightseeing
About komunikativan, svi kazu duhovit, volim salu smeh, lep provod, nisam ljubomoran i naporan u vezi, mrzim dvolicne licnosti, antialkoholicar, nezan i pazljiv

Seeking gender Female
Blog Click here to see user`s blog
Forum posts 0
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cao 10. Jan 2012. 00:07:14


* 08. Jan 2011. 02:12:37
uhhhhhhhhhhh da sam malo mladja to bi me jos i oborilo s nogu..neznam koju pesmu da pustim da se smirim posle ovog soka: Nikotin ili Sta je to u tvojim venama..... :icon_blackeye:

.. 03. Jun 2010. 20:41:21
ti si savrsenstvo bez mane....

cao 21. Apr 2010. 15:16:25
zasto pises u komentare?ne razumem,ja retko kada gledam komentare......pisi redovne poruke,da vidim kad mi stigne poruka od tebe....ako nije problem,naravno......evo nema nista u xxx gradu....hehehe....ja sam iz Sombora inace.....

cao 19. Apr 2010. 12:24:20
zanimljiv profil
pozdrav!!! :-K


cao 15. Apr 2010. 15:17:21
mozemo se druziti,sto da ne.....kad sam tu,slobodno pisi.....pozz

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