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Femina Magazin


Ljubavni Sastanak na Fejsbuku
Svako vece od 20 casova okupljanje u Pricaonici. Dobrodosli!
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Profile ID#[0000166484]

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Username Jelena_Dorcol
User first (nick)name Jelena
Birthday 01. Oct 1986.
Gender Female
Orientation Heterosexual
Type of Relationship for romance,for long relationship,for chat,for fun
Country Serbia
City Beograd
Height 5'8" (173cm)
Weight 300 lbs (136kg)
Hair color Auburn
Eyes color Brown
Known languages English, Serbian
Job pravnica
Hobby pevanje
Interests Cars / Motorcycles, Computers / Internet, Dancing, Music - Christian / Gospel, Music - Dance / Electronic, Music - Latin, Music - Pop / R&B, Music - Rock, Music - World, Nightclubs / Clubs, Outdoors, Politics, Singing / Playing Instrument, Sports (Watching), Television / Radio, Theatre / Ballet, Travel / Sightseeing
About Ja sam uvek nasmejana i spremna za druzenje, a trazim nekog visokog i krupnog momka, koji ima smisla za humor
Seeking gender Male
Blog Click here to see user`s blog
Forum posts 0
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pozdrav 10. May 2011. 15:08:32
Ej cao... Ja sam otvorila ovaj profil mom drugu, koji nema sreæe u ljubavi. On je jedno divno stvorenje. Ima 27g, kuæu u Staroj Pazovi i privatan posao. I ja mislim da mu je hitno potrebno da se zaljubi, on ne zna da sam mu ja otvorila ovde profil. Ako si zainteresovana daj neki signal, pa da ti posaljem njegovu sliku i opiisem ga detaljnije. Pozdrav...

nasmejana nema te da caskamo 28. Feb 2011. 20:44:49


nasmejana 18. Feb 2011. 07:15:09
fino jutro tebi.

jelena 14. Feb 2011. 13:02:17
dobila si cistu desetku

..... 11. Feb 2011. 04:09:31


volim nasmejane i jako drage poput tebe 10. Feb 2011. 16:40:54


hmm 09. Feb 2011. 23:50:27
eh shto nisam krupan

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