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Profile ID#[0000179104]

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Username Sunce70
User first (nick)name Suncica
Birthday 30. Aug 1966.
Gender Female
Orientation Heterosexual
Type of Relationship for romance,for long relationship,for friendship
Country Serbia
City Suncan
Height 5'4" (163cm)
Weight 140 lbs (63kg)
Hair color Black
Eyes color Brown
Known languages Serbian
Interests Animals/Pets, Computers / Internet, Cycling, Dancing, Food and Wine, Gym / Aerobics / Keep fit, Literature / History, Martial Arts, Movies / Cinema, Music - Christian / Gospel, Music - Classical / Opera, Music - Country, Music - Latin, Music - Pop / R&B, Music - World, Nature, Nightclubs / Clubs, Reading, Religion, Restaurants, Shopping, Sports (Watching), Television / Radio, Tennis / Racket Sports, Theatre / Ballet, Travel / Sightseeing, Volunteer / Charity
About Ti nisi mogao voleti mene
Jer ljubav se ne nudi, ne moli,
Niti prosi.
Bejasmo ko dve uklete barke
Sudbina što ih, slomljene, nosi.

I nisi mogao želeti mene
Jer ljudi žele svoj san
O sreæi.
I kad se odreknu strasti i želja,
Svojih se snova neæe odreæi.

Ti nisi ništa znao o meni...
Jer, šta zna dan o noæi
I noæ o danu.
Sem da se uvek iznova sretnu,
A svako ode na svoju stranu.

Ne plaèi za onim što nemaš,
ostavi druge da plaèu
što nemaju tebe :-K
Seeking gender Male
Blog Click here to see user`s blog
Forum posts 0
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cao 24. Dec 2012. 10:20:19
cao lutko......

cao lepotice! 20. Dec 2012. 20:09:11

*** 09. Dec 2012. 22:07:20
dali jos uvek pises stihove i tugujes za nekim...

[ 29. Nov 2012. 18:38:04
:-K :-V

Lep Pzdrav 19. Nov 2012. 14:11:09
:-V ;-C :-K ;-C

........ 13. Sep 2012. 02:26:42
:-V ;-C :-B ;-K

Pozzzzzz 29. May 2012. 12:28:12
__________________Y ;-K ;-K ;-K :-K :-K :-K


cao 24. May 2012. 23:11:41
:-K cao super si

HALO DUSO !!! 01. Apr 2012. 15:13:32

HALO DUSO !!! 23. Mar 2012. 01:32:05

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