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Profile ID#[0000019981]
Total photos: 0
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Access closed for non members |
Username |
rapsodija |
User first (nick)name |
goran |
Birthday |
27. Jan 1963. |
Gender |
Male |
Orientation |
Heterosexual |
Type of Relationship |
for long relationship |
Country |
Serbia |
City |
negde u hollandiji |
Height |
5'9" (175cm) |
Weight |
185 lbs (84kg) |
Known languages |
Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, German, Russian, Dutch, Bulgarian |
Job |
menadjer prodaje |
Hobby |
putovanja |
About |
poverljiv,poslovan,sto isto trazim u suprotnom polu |
Seeking gender |
Female |
Blog |
Click here to see user`s blog |
Forum posts |
0 , Last post |
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___________ |
10. Dec 2013. 14:25:06 |
_________________ |

Zaboravna |
Ljubavi, |
13. Aug 2009. 22:07:59 |
jedva cekam tvoj ponovni dolazak  |

rapsodija_z |
Çíàåø ëè ...? |
02. Aug 2009. 14:33:32 |
Çäðàâåé, Ãîðàí,
Çíàåø ëè êàêâî íè êàðà äà çàõâúðëèì âñè÷êî,çà äà âêóñèì ìàêàð è çà êðàòêî îò íåéíàòà ñëàäîñò?Êàêâî å ëþáîâòà-áëàãîñëîâåíèå èëè ïðîêîáà,ïúò êúì ñâåòëèíàòà èëè âåëèêà çàáëóäà........? |

Only_Ile71 |