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Femina Magazin


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Profil ID#[0000106249]

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Korisnièko ime dj2010
Ime dj
Rodendan 15. Ruj 1988.
Spol Muško
Orientation Heteroseksualno
Vrsta veze za dugu vezu,za prijateljstvo,za chat,za zabavu
Zemlja Australia
Grad Brisbane
Visina 5'5" (166cm)
Težina 145 lbs (66kg)
Boja kose Crna
Boja oæi Crna
Known languages Engleski, Njemaèki, Francuski, Španjolski, Arapski
Posao sdudent
Interests Atletika, Baseball / Softball, Biljar / Stolni nogomet / Pikado, Raèunala / Internet, Skijanje / Snijeg, Literatura / Povijest, Utrke motora, Filmovi / Kino, Muzeji / Galerije, Glazba - Alternativna, Glazba - Blues / Jazz, Glazba - Country, Glazba - Pop / R&B, Glazba - Rock, Glazba - Svjetska folklorna, Priroda, Noæni izlasci / Klubovi, Na otvorenom, Politika, Èitanje, Religija, Restorani, Jedrenje / Plovidba, Kupovina - šoping, Sportovi (Igranje), Sportovi (Gledanje), Tenis, Kazalište / Balet, Putovanja / Razgledavanja, Odbojka / Košarka, Joga / Meditacija
O meni It is hard to know what you truly seek and who is truly right for you, until it appears when you least expect. However that being said I look for LOVE and there are such qualities I look for in a woman:
INTELLIGENCE: The ability to be knowledgeable about a broad range of topics including the fortitude to hold a lengthy conversation this comes on par with having a firm grasp of the English Language.
PRIDE: Pride and honor fall hand in hand, something I am finding many women of today are lacking in. Have Pride for yourself and your body.
LOYALTY: This goes without saying, but still some forget this when temptations arise, there is no excuse for breaking someones heart with such roguish and lustful behaviour.
AFFECTION: This is something I do most enjoy and enjoy giving it in return. It is usually the most smallest of things I miss most of all in a Relationship with another. I’m not interested in those whom do not show their feelings.
PLEASE NOTE: That these may seem somewhat picky to some, but I think it helps to have standards and have an idea of what I am looking for, for not only myself but for others to understand my needs, that being said I am quite laid back
I AM NOT INTERESTED IN: These include the following: People who can not hold intelligent conversations, Those whom frequent in drug use, Homophobic and Heavily Religious people, Arrogant and Racist people, Cam Models and Ignorant people
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hay 15. Kol 2009. 15:16:02
aMozemo da se dopisujemo,odg. mi poslaji poruku

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