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Profil ID#[0000085608]

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Felhasználónév ISOTOPE
Felhasználó elõ vagy beceneve Fallen
Születési idõ 04. Jú 1981.
Nem Férfi
Orientation Heterosexual
Milyen céllal szerelem,romantika,komoly kapcsolat,barátság,csak randizgatni,for chat,for fun,for marriage
Megye Germany
Város Herten
Magasság 168cm
Súly 66kg
Hajszín Black
Szemszín barna
Ismert nyelvek English, Serbian, Macedonian, German, Spanish
Foglalkozás imam
Körülbelül zabavnu i komunikativnu osobu,za ostalo me sami pitajte...

jedna je rec bila dovoljna da sve sumnje porusi,jedna mi je rec misli zarobila...ni osmeh ni rec nisu upuceni meni...
Jelölted neme Nõ,Couple
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7th heaven 10. Jan 2010. 22:45:03
Budi moj za ceo zivot, nista drugo ne trazim samo to, nije nesto veliko, bas koliko treba, Ako je odg da onda ceti biti k’o u RAJU ;-K :-L ;-K :-L ;-K :-L ;-K :-L ;-K


srecko :0) 05. Jan 2010. 09:18:12
Pa i ti imas lepe cvecke (komente) na profilu
naravno da znam gde si, drugcije nebi valjalo :-R

♫ Zagrli me, stegni jako kao pre
da utonem u tvoje tople dlanove
zagrli me, necu suzu pustiti
kad ostavis me prestacu i disati

Dani mi stoje k’o godine ih brojim
svaki je minut bez tebe k’o sat
zaustavi vreme
i prodaj mi ljubav unazad ♫

♫ te extrano ♫ ;-K ;-K ;-K


koga to moje okice videee 18. Nov 2008. 12:22:02
pa de si ti besavko moj jubi te tvoja ludica haha jesi ziv covece :) ajd odgovori na pvt :) kad procitas nemoj te utepam :D ;-K ;-K ;-K :-L :-L

>28< 12. Má 2008. 00:18:49


*->You are my heart<-* 12. Má 2008. 00:14:28
How did I ever get to here
Why do I need you
Why do I have to cry these tears
Where do they lead to
I used to be so strong alone
When I was standing on my own
Now I don’t know what to do
Was I too proud or just too blind
What does it matter
When love was in these hands of mine
I let it shatter
The pieces scattered to the wind
I’ll never have them here again
But I’ll remember how we were
The rest of time
You are my heart
How could I ever let you go
You are my soul
I had to lose my soul to know
How much you mean
To me, you are my heart
I think I see you everywhere
Isn’t that crazy
I still reach out to feel you there
Lying beside me
I’ve learned a lot since you’ve been gone
About what I am and what I want
I know I only want to be in love with you
There’s the sun to light the day
My colors turned to gray
The day I saw you walk away
Now there’s nothing left to say
But when I dream, I pray
That life could be like yesterday
You are my heart
How could I ever let you go
You are my soul
I had to lose my soul to know
How much you mean
To me, you are my heart
I think I see you everywhere
Isn’t that crazy
I still reach out to feel you there
Lying beside me
I’ve learned a lot since you’ve been gone
About what I am and what I want
I know I only want to be in love with you


.*-> 12. Má 2008. 00:11:20
I don’t know where to find you
I don’t know how to reach you
I hear your voice in the wind
I feel you under my skin
Within my heart and my soul
I wait for you
All of these nights without you
All of my dreams surround you
I see and I touch your face
I fall into your embrace
When the time is right I know
You’ll be in my arms
I close my eyes and I find a way
No need for me to pray
I’ve walked so far
I’ve fought so hard
Nothing more to explain
I know all that remains
Is a piano that plays
If you know where to find me
If you know how to reach me
Before this light fades away
Before I run out of faith
Be the only man to say
That you’ll hear my heart
That you’ll give your life
Forever you’ll stay
Don’t let this light fade away
Don’t let me run out of faith
Be the only man to say
That you believe, make me believe
You won’t let go


Love Ya 02. Feb 2008. 21:29:57
Zaista ne zamenljivo,jedinstveno i jedno predivno bice;-K




Moje medenom srcu:) 12. Jan 2008. 11:17:29
Ljudi se u zivotu srecu slucajno,
a onda zajedno dele sve
reka zivota ih nosi nekim putevima svojim
ali im:love9:ostaju kraj voljene osobe
kad bi na ovoj planeti
bilo jos bica kao ti
tako neznih i dragih
bilo bi mnogo vise srecni ljudi
;-Kmoje najdraze bice;-K:-L
zelim da ti se sve zelje ispune
svaki pokusaj uspe
svaka nada donese nesto lepo
sto ces zapisati u svom srcu kao bajku:-L.


ISOTOPE 05. Jan 2008. 19:21:47
Like the sound of silence calling,
I hear your voice and suddenly
I’m falling,lost in a dream.
Like the echoes of our souls are meeting,
You say those words and my heart stops beating.
I wonder what it means.
What could it be that # over me?
At times I can’t move.
At times I can hardly breath.

When you say you love me
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me
For a moment, there’s no one else alive

You’re the one I’ve always thought of.
I don’t know how, but I feel sheltered in your love.
You’re where I belong.
And when you’re with me if I close my eyes,
There are times I swear I feel like I can fly
For a moment in time.
Somewhere between the Heavens and Earth ,
And frozen in time, Oh when you say those words.

When you say you love me
The world goes still, so still inside and
When you say you love me
In that moment,I know why I’m alive

When you say you love me.
When you say you love me.
Do you know how I love you?

Nadam se da ti se dopad iskrena je from the :love9: (na neki naci izjavljivanje ljubavi)



ISOTOPE 03. Jan 2008. 19:42:16
ISOTOPE vrsim inspekciju pros’o si mini test.
Samo jos treba da se izvrsi upis tvog lepog dolazka ovde,al za pocetak jedna lepa 10.ka od mene i;-K za dobro doslicu.


---><P.S-Lep profil samo malo prazan,nadam se da ce biti malo vise za citati o tebi-><---


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