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Nome utente zuto_pace
Nome Utente pace
Compleanno 05. Dic 1980.
Genere Uomo
Orientamenti Heterosexual
Tipo di relazione storia romantica,relazione seria,per amicizia,for chat,for fun,for marriage
Nazione Canada
Città Toronto, GTA
Altezza 6'0" (183cm)
Peso 170 lbs (77kg)
Colore capelli Bruni
Colore occhi Blu
Lingue conosciute English, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, French
Professione inzenjer
Hobby astronomija, fotografija, geografija, jezici, muzika, Internet, hor...
Interessi Animals/Pets, Arts / Crafts, Astrology / New Age, Computers / Internet, Hiking / Camping, Literature / History, Movies / Cinema, Museums / Galleries, Music - Christian / Gospel, Music - Classical / Opera, Music - Dance / Electronic, Music - Latin, Music - Pop / R&B, Music - Rock, Music - World, Nature, Outdoors, Reading, Shopping, Singing / Playing Instrument, Television / Radio, Travel / Sightseeing
Io Vrline:
ne pije alkohol, ne gleda fudbal, ne bije se po ulici, ne pljuje po ulici, ne dobacuje na ulici,malo jede, puno radi, ne trosi pare, postuje zenski rod, voli kupovine, voli zivotinje, ne razmece se u drustvu, ne dosadjuje glupostima, ne slusa narodnjake, ne hrce dok spava, ne podriguje, ne mljacka, ne srce kafu, kupa se redovno, ne nosi alku u nosu…

ne zna da prica viceve, ne zna da plese,ne zna sta je juce jeo, ne voli odelo, ponekad nervozan, ponekad zbunjen, zaboravlja mobilni, brzo hoda, halapljivo jede, pazljivo vozi, brije se dva puta nedeljno, mrzi ga da se ceslja, mrzi ga da cisti cipele, skace po sobi, ostavlja nered za sobom…

Jednostavan, obican, pri zemlji, neuobrazen, pristojan, obrazovan, ne luduje... Kazu mi da sam mladolik i sarmantan, a ja za sebe da sam i prilicno miran i ozbiljan...
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Hello 11. Nov 2015. 19:48:59
Hi dear,
It is my pleasure meeting you,
I am Gen Susan Helms, I am a United State Army officer, from united state of America, am supportive and caring, looking forward to get a nice friend, I read your profile here and pick interest on you, I will like to establish mutual friendship with you.Please let continue our conversation through my private email box, Here is my email address ( Susanhelms57/at/outl/o/o/k.c/o/m ) I will introduce myself better and send you my picture as soon as i receive your mail.I will love to meet you for a serious relationship, I come in contact with you and I really wish to indicate my interest although am not always available to write mail due to the condition of my duty.Yours,
Gen Susan Helms.

Pozdrav 28. Feb 2015. 09:58:49
Vrlo mi se svidja tvoj profil

hello 19. Gen 2013. 00:03:52
My name is Miss Amanda,i saw your profile
today # became interested in you,i will
also like to know you more,
and i want you to send an email to my
email address(lovetomsi AT ya hoo . com)
so i can give you my picture for you
to know whom i am. Remember
the distance or colour does not matter
but love matters a lot in life is love.


pozz 23. Nov 2012. 17:14:50


* 25. Set 2011. 06:55:43


jaoooooooooooooooooo 12. Set 2011. 04:44:17
covjek mojih snova

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