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los |
Nome Utente |
romeo |
Compleanno |
10. Gen 1971. |
Genere |
Uomo |
Orientamenti |
Heterosexual |
Tipo di relazione |
relazione seria |
Nazione |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Città |
pitaj pa ces saznati |
Altezza |
6'0" (183cm) |
Peso |
160 lbs (73kg) |
Colore capelli |
Bruni |
Colore occhi |
Marroni |
Lingue conosciute |
English, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian |
Professione |
da |
Hobby |
kosarka,plivanje |
Interessi |
Animals/Pets, Arts / Crafts, Astrology / New Age, Athletics, Baseball / Softball, Billiards / Pool / Darts, Boxing / Wrestling, Cars / Motorcycles, Computers / Internet, Cooking, Cricket, Cycling, Dancing, DIY, Food and Wine, Football / Soccer / Rugby, Gardening, Golf, Gym / Aerobics / Keep fit, Hiking / Camping, Ice / Snow Sports, Literature / History, Martial Arts, Motor Racing, Mountaineering, Movies / Cinema, Museums / Galleries, Music - Alternative, Music - Blues/Jazz, Music - Classical / Opera, Music - Dance / Electronic, Music - Latin, Music - New Age, Music - Pop / R&B, Music - Rock, Music - World, Nature, Nightclubs / Clubs, Outdoors, Reading, Religion, Restaurants, Sailing / Boating, Shopping, Sports (Playing), Television / Radio, Tennis / Racket Sports, Theatre / Ballet, Travel / Sightseeing, Volleyball / Basketball, Volunteer / Charity, Water Sports, Yoga / Meditation |
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jako komunikativan i volim druzenja i nova poznanstva |
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15 , Ultimo messaggio , Clicca qui per edere i messaggi nel forum dell'utente |
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14. Mar 2012. 00:38:25 |
VOLI TE TVOJA BEBICA NAJVISE NA SVETU! ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K |

adela649 |
poljubac za tebe! |
25. Set 2011. 23:47:54 |
Hvala duso na lepom komentaru ! ti si jedno veliko srce bez koje se nemoze! saljem ti jednu veliku destku i milion poljubaca! ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K |

adela649 |
.. |
29. Ago 2011. 01:35:32 |
:-V 10 :-H |

CaRaT |
pozdrav |
04. Dic 2010. 22:27:39 |
ja sam ti prijatelj kad lose krene.kad napuste te svi ti potrazi mene,svjetolo u mraku tvojaica sam sjena,i vjecni prijatelj ica ;-C ;-C |

sanja12 |
los |
26. Dic 2009. 21:56:23 |
dobra ti slika |

Mina28 |
drug moj... |
24. Dic 2009. 14:27:41 |
pa ti si divan... ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K |

_m_a_l_a_ |
hi |
08. Dic 2009. 19:19:58 |
da i ja ostawim mali tragic owde :) :) |

Lopezz |
*** |
01. Dic 2009. 22:39:43 |
;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K |

_m_a_l_a_ |
Poruka |
29. Ago 2009. 21:13:47 |
...a mozda nisu uvek pored tebe, mozda ih ne vidjas cesto, mozda imaju probleme svoje. Bitno je samo da znas da prijatelji ipak tamo negde postoje. :hello: |

Maja1963 |