varol - varoli
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Femina Magazin


Ljubavni Sastanak na Fejsbuku
Svako vece od 20 casova okupljanje u Pricaonici. Dobrodosli!
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must only to register for free.


すべての写真: 1  

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[メッセージ送信]   [このプロフィールを報告する] 非会員のためアクセスクローズ
ユーザ名 varoli
ユーザの名前 varol
誕生日 10. Mar 1962.
性別 Male
Orientation Heterosexual
Type of Relationship for friendship
istanbul- turkiye
身長 5'8" (173cm)
体重 175 lbs (79kg)
髪の色 Chestnut
眼の色 Brown
既知の言語 Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, Swedish, Turkish, Albanian
職業 radnik
About koje zenska prica samnom uziva lijepo trenutka i oseca sebe lakse
探している性別r Female
ブログ ユーザのブログをみるためにはここをクリックしてください
フォーラムポスト 0
[メッセージ送信]   [このプロフィールを報告する]

hi 27. Aug 2016. 15:18:14
Bok draga ,
Nadam se da ste dobro, nakon # vašeg profila, imao sam previše vam se javiti jer sam bila tako usamljena i treba netko za razgovor također, am patricia horoho, A sjedište u SAD Vojska / iz Sjedinjene države Amerike. Ja # predstaviti sebe i poslati moju sliku, # sam primiti svoj # )

Hello darling ,
I hope that you are fine ,after reading your profile , I had too contact you cause I have been so lonely and need someone to talk too, am patricia horoho , a U.S Military / From united state of America. I will introduce myself and send you my picture as soon as i receive your # )


hi 27. Aug 2016. 15:16:53
Bok draga ,
Nadam se da ste dobro, nakon # vašeg profila, imao sam previše vam se javiti jer sam bila tako usamljena i treba netko za razgovor također, am patricia horoho, A sjedište u SAD Vojska / iz Sjedinjene države Amerike. Ja # predstaviti sebe i poslati moju sliku, # sam primiti svoj # )

Hello darling ,
I hope that you are fine ,after reading your profile , I had too contact you cause I have been so lonely and need someone to talk too, am patricia horoho , a U.S Military / From united state of America. I will introduce myself and send you my picture as soon as i receive your # )


hi 07. Mar 2016. 12:42:24
Hi dear friend,
I am Lt. Gen. Flora D. Darpino. I am a United State ARMY GENERAL. Am supportive and caring, looking forward to get a nice friend. I read your profile and pick interest on you. I will
like to establish mutual friendship with you. Please let continue our
conversation through my private email box. Here is my email address
darpinoflorad2(AT)gmail. com ) I will introduce myself better and send you my
picture as soon as i receive your mail.
Thanks and regards.
Gen. Flora D. Darpino.
darpinoflorad2(AT)gmail. com )


hi 07. Mar 2016. 12:41:17
Hi dear friend,
I am Lt. Gen. Flora D. Darpino. I am a United State ARMY GENERAL. Am supportive and caring, looking forward to get a nice friend. I read your profile and pick interest on you. I will
like to establish mutual friendship with you. Please let continue our
conversation through my private email box. Here is my email address
darpinoflorad2(AT)gmail. com ) I will introduce myself better and send you my
picture as soon as i receive your mail.
Thanks and regards.
Gen. Flora D. Darpino.
darpinoflorad2(AT)gmail. com )


hello 02. May 2011. 15:29:30
i am writting to know if you are still
single searching for the love of your life,However,
email me so that we can introduce our
selves better,justinajustina19 at yah dot co dot uk
yours faithfully,


hjhgff 30. Jul 2010. 19:00:25
Äàâàéòå îáùàòñÿ ïî Skype
ìîé àäðåñ #


cao 17. Jul 2010. 01:12:32
pozdrav tebi iz Hrvatske

hvala 08. Apr 2010. 00:23:02
Pozdrav i tebi

iz Istambul 21. Mar 2010. 23:16:34
to je vec ne Balkan, a turskiexpress


Lepoto , ljubav moja bdi samo za tebe ! 07. Mar 2010. 18:05:29
Ljubim te !

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