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Femina Magazin


Ljubavni Sastanak na Fejsbuku
Svako vece od 20 casova okupljanje u Pricaonici. Dobrodosli!
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Profilio ID#[0000061677]

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[Siøsti þinutæ]   [Blogas profilis] Sveèiams priëjimas uþdraustas
Vartotojo vardas sweetdonna
Vartotojo vardas Donna
Gimimo diena 20. Rug 1975.
Lytis Moteris
Orientation Heterosexual
Santykiø tipas romatiðkiems susitikimams,draugystei,seksui,for chat
Ðalis Didþioji Britanija
Miestas London
Ûgis 166cm
Svoris 66kg
Plaukø spalva Kaðtoniniai
Akiø spalva Mëlynos
Þinomos kalbos English
Apie i am an graduate and i am happy to achieve the best in any area of endeavour that i find my self later in life. i am young woman with a tender heart, with good sence of humour, intelligent and with the best of my ablity and respect for those that has contributed immenselly to the betterment of humanity. futhermore, i like sports, going to the beach with someone very close to my heart and you will get to know more about me later on.
Ieðkomo þmogaus lytis Moteris
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Forum posts 0
[Siøsti þinutæ]   [Blogas profilis]

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