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Profilio ID#[0000091266]

Total photos: 2
Activity board
[Siøsti þinutæ]
[Blogas profilis]
Sveèiams priëjimas uþdraustas |
Vartotojo vardas |
salep |
Vartotojo vardas |
Aleksandar |
Gimimo diena |
21. Sau 1963. |
Lytis |
Vyras |
Orientation |
Heterosexual |
Santykiø tipas |
romatiðkiems susitikimams,draugystei,seksui,for fun |
Ðalis |
Serbia |
Miestas |
Beograd |
Ûgis |
183cm |
Svoris |
95kg |
Plaukø spalva |
Þili |
Akiø spalva |
Mëlynos |
Þinomos kalbos |
English, Serbian |
Interests |
Animals/Pets, Cars / Motorcycles, Food and Wine, Football / Soccer / Rugby, Nature, Outdoors, Politics |
Apie |
Otvorenog duha... |
Ieðkomo þmogaus lytis |
Moteris |
Blog |
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Forum posts |
0 |
[Siøsti þinutæ]
[Blogas profilis]
hello |
14. Gru 2010. 14:10:47 |
hi write to with this adress..cumigodwill /at /y/a/h/o/o/.c/o/m my name is cumi am a young sweet looking girl with full of love clarely also romantic,well ,i think we can click together please i will like you to email back through my adderss.. cumigodwill/at/y/a/h/o/o/.c/o/m please i will like you to use your email adderss to contact me directly to my emailbox.at the same time i will show you my photo and you also know more about me. thank’s for your understanding, cumi |

cumi00 |
Gaga |
29. Bir 2010. 00:05:05 |
Topao pozdrav |

gagica1 |