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Gebruikersnaam LepaLeni
Voornaam gebruiker Leni
Geboortedatum 15. maa 1984.
Geslacht vrouw
Ori�ntatie Heterosexueel
Type relatie voor een langdurige relatie
Land Zweden
Plaats *->K*S* TRENUTNO!<-*
Lengte 5'3" (160cm)
Gewicht 43kg
Kleur haar Zwart
Kleur ogen groen
Bekende talen Engels, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Frans, Norvegian, Swedish
Baan Deciji Pedagog,Sociolog
Hobbies Psiholog
Interesses Athletiek, Computers / Internet, Koken, Dansen, Eten en drinken, Gymnastiek / Aerobics / Fit blijven, IJs / Sneeuw sporten, Literatuur / History, Films / Bioscoop, Muziek - Blues/Jazz, Muziek - Klasiek / Opera, Muziek - Latijn, Muziek - Pop / R&B, Muziek - Rock, Muziek - World, Natuur, Nachtclubs / Clubs, Buitenshuis, Geloog, Restaurants, Winkelen, Zingen / Muziek instrument spelen, Sport (Zelf spelen), Sport (Toeschouwer), Televisie / Radio, Volleybal / Basketbal
Over ||[Curly Sue]||

your strength is so hard to find,
i feel so much stronger now,the feeling’s alright.
your words make me whole again,those eyes cannot lie,
you’re so divine
i’m not ever alone,
you’re not ever alone.

i’m head over heels goddess of mine,
your curls touching my face
and now i can fly.
you brought my life back,
the glory you found,
i’m in deep dept,
without you i wouldn’t survive.
i’m not ever alone.

your smile is heavenly,
i don’t deserve all this love
that your giving to me.
your touch makes it hard to breathe,
the shiver’s around me now,
you’re so fine.

the heart is pumping for life,
the mind is happy
and i will love you to the day i die.

i’m head over heels goddess of mine,
your curls touching my face
and now i can fly.
you brought my life back,
the glory you found,
i’m in deep dept,
without you i wouldn’t survive.
i’m not ever alone.


^znaj da je masta jaca od znanja,
da je mit mocniji od hitorije,
da su snovi jaci od cinjenice,
da nada pobedjuje iskustvo,
da je prijateljstvo jace od daljine,
da je smeh jedini lek za tugu i
veruj da je ljubav jaca od smrti.^


*->Take good care of:
what you’ve found, before doing anything else...<-*

^pitaj i saznaces nesto vise verovatno;)^


///.volite nekog i neka neko voli vas./// -- Nisam Tu -- Razocarana Devojka --
*** ;-K :-K :-K :-K ;-K ***
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[Verstuur bericht]   [Stout profiel]

pa i treba 02. jul 2016. 13:22:48
ovi gore i ajde nekako da ih razumem pickopacenici od svih jedino sasa66 covek zna zasto salje porukeako hoce sex da mu se javi a ne kao ovi znas jacvni se vamo tamo bas si lepa pronasao sam mamu u tebi daj bre hahahahahaaha seronje :-J

ej 17. dec 2015. 04:52:38

stokholm leni 16. nov 2014. 16:05:28
cao ja sam miki ,vracam sae za stokholm 3.decembra ,pa ako hoces mozemo se cuti i upoznati,ja bih voleo ,ako bi i ti javi mi se na tel 0721741872 ,broj sam dao jednoj devojci dok sam u srbiju ali ako ti se ona javi reci samo da trazis mene i da me obavest! pozdrav!!

cao 11. okt 2014. 14:23:40



Lepotica 27. mei 2013. 22:07:03

pozz 29. nov 2012. 11:43:26
Hur st&#229;r det till? Pozz iz Malmö

:) 12. sep 2012. 20:55:58
:-V :-V :-V :-V :-V :-V :-V :-V

..pozzz 26. jun 2012. 19:45:01
lepa,ba i jesi lepa

lepaaaa 31. mei 2012. 02:26:21
lepa bash si ljepaa

samo sex 17. mei 2012. 19:06:09
ako hoces samo sex javesi

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