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Profil ID#[0000025242]

Wszystkich zdjêæ: 3  

Aktywne board
[Wyœlij wiadomoœæ]   [Z³y profil] Dostêp zabroniony dla niezarejestrowanych u¿ytkowników
U¿ytkownik Arthemyda
Imie u¿ytkownika Bojana
Data narodzin 27. Gru 1982.
P³eæ Kobieta -
Orientacja Bisexual
Rodzaj zwi¹zku for fun
Pañstwo Serbia
Miasto Beograd
Wzrost 6'0" (183cm)
Waga 210 lbs (95kg)
Kolor w³osów Black
Kolor oczu Czarne
Znane jêzyki English, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian
Hobby Dreaming:)
Sex Arts / Crafts, Dancing, Music - Latin, Music - Pop / R&B, Music - World, Nightclubs / Clubs, Outdoors, Reading, Singing / Playing Instrument, Travel / Sightseeing
O mnie... ...Lay your head on my pillow
Here you can be yourself
No one has to know what you are feeling
No one but me and you ...

I won’t tell, your secrets ...
Your secrets,are safe with me...
I will keep, your secrets...
Just think of me as the pages in your DIARY...
Poszukujesz Mê¿czyzna -
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???? 20. Pa� 2007. 12:52:36
Auuuuu, kakva guzva, vredili uopste stati u red?
Bez obzira tebi jedna 10


z 30. Sie 2006. 03:22:37
lepo imas od mene 10! Pusa

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