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Femina Magazin


Ljubavni Sastanak na Fejsbuku
Svako vece od 20 casova okupljanje u Pricaonici. Dobrodosli!
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Perfil ID#[0000032006]

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Activity board

[Enviar mensagem]   [Pefil incorreto] Área para membros
Utilizador rannik
Nome de utilizador zoran
Idade 01. Dez 1941.
Sexo Masculino
Orientation Heterosexual
Tipo de relação Ele,Ela,Casal,Amizade-sex,for marriage
País Estado Unidos
Cidade New York
Estatura 175cm
Peso 75kg
Cor da pele Cinza
Color dos olhos Castanho
Línguas conhecidas Inglês, Serbian
Ocupação arhitekt
Hobby shopping,walking,dinning out.....
Interests Arts / Crafts, Cars / Motorcycles, Cooking, Football / Soccer / Rugby, Music - Blues/Jazz, Music - Rock, Reading, Restaurants, Travel / Sightseeing, Volunteer / Charity
Sobre I think we should give a chance to those who screw things up,for it happenes to all of us sometimes.As an New York architect I’m usually very busy,and my future wife should understand that.She should be fair and tolerant.I’m very open minded,fair and tolerant.I don’t accuse but rather show understanding and tolerance.
I have two college graduated sons who are really well off,so I live alone on Manhattan,New York
Pesquisando por Feminino
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Forum posts 0
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SRECNA NOVA GODINAAAAAA 2010 01. Jan 2010. 03:34:21


# 27. Nov 2009. 20:52:30


# 08. Ago 2009. 02:16:00


# 03. Jun 2009. 23:31:59
posle kise dodje duga rekli su mi drugovi kad bi duga bila pruga dal bi meni doso ti

# 22. Mai 2009. 23:38:27


ja te volim najvise 25. Mar 2009. 17:40:13


pozdrav iz Edison,NJ 17. Mar 2009. 23:03:04

Veliki pozdrav gospodine,zelimvam da nadjete slicnu sebi,ali mislim da bi vam zena kao ja potpuno odgovarala


# 17. Mar 2009. 11:39:21


tebi od mene 12. Mar 2009. 23:23:10


ZZZZ 06. Mar 2009. 02:18:12

Kako stae Zorane, nadjoste li ravnu sebi ?????????

Ja sebi nadjoh !!!!! Puno pozdrava iz Banjaluke od

jedne Milke.


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