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Femina Magazin


Ljubavni Sastanak na Fejsbuku
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Profil ID#[0000221295]

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Utilizator PeterC
Primul nume(nick) al utilizatorului Peter
Data nasterii 18. Mai 1974.
Sex Barbat
Orientare Heterosexual
Tip de relatie pentru dragoste,doar pentru intalniri,for chat,for fun
Tara Poland
Oras Warszawa
Inaltime 6'4" (193cm)
Greutate 225 lbs (102kg)
Limbi cunoscute English, Russian, Polish
Despre I actively enjoy my life and develop my passions. I am interested in motoring, I collect watches and old jewelry, which I try to restore. My worldview is moderately left-wing. I love the smell of gasoline, fried meat, mown grass, old furniture and books. I’m looking for someone with whom I can go out for tea, a beer or a walk. Be warned, I’m a chatterbox.
Sex cautat Femeie,Couple-Par
Blog Apasa aici sa vezi blogul utilizatorului
Raspunsuri in Forum 0
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