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Profil ID#[0000128105]

Total photos: 3
Activity board
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[Chybný profil]
Prístup nepovolený neregistrovaným |
Nick |
Goca56 |
Meno užívate¾a |
Gordana |
Dátum narodenia |
02. Sep 1956. |
Pohlavie |
Žena |
Orientation |
Heterosexual |
Typ vzahu |
romantika,priate¾stvo |
Krajina |
Serbia |
Mesto |
Kragujevac |
Výška |
5'4" (163cm) |
Váha |
120 lbs (54kg) |
Known languages |
Serbian, Russian |
Profesia |
sluzbenik |
Interests |
Arts / Crafts, Hiking / Camping, Literature / History, Motor Racing, Music - Blues/Jazz, Music - Classical / Opera, Music - Dance / Electronic, Music - Latin, Music - Pop / R&B, Music - Rock, Music - World, Nature, Nightclubs / Clubs, Politics, Reading, Sailing / Boating, Volleyball / Basketball, Volunteer / Charity |
O vás |
opis moze biti relativan...ostavljam sagovorniku da proceni...isto ....mogu samo reci da sam romanticna i da mi knjige i muzika mnogo znace |
H¾adám |
Muž |
Blog |
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Forum posts |
0 |
[Odosla správu]
[Chybný profil]
Gledao sam Vas |
07. Jan 2011. 20:53:14 |
Romantika, knjige i muzika, prelepo; da li biste to s nekim i podelili?. Prijatno Gordana! |

nikiv |
Pa da ...ROMANTIÈNA???!!! |
25. Nov 2010. 22:30:32 |

radecubura |
Respekt! |
04. Jú 2009. 22:16:49 |
Hvala na uzvracenom cvetu! Pozdrav!!!!.. |

jak |
Goca |
04. Jú 2009. 18:21:39 |
Pozdrav!  |

jak |