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Femina Magazin


Ljubavni Sastanak na Fejsbuku
Svako vece od 20 casova okupljanje u Pricaonici. Dobrodosli!
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Profil ID#[0000175775]

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Total photos: 2  

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[Odosla správu]   [Chybný profil] Prístup nepovolený neregistrovaným
Nick Lidija43
Meno užívate¾a Lidija
Dátum narodenia 19. Okt 1968.
Pohlavie Žena
Orientation Heterosexual
Typ vzahu vážny vzah,priate¾stvo,for marriage
Krajina Serbia
Mesto Beograd
Výška 5'8" (173cm)
Váha 180 lbs (82kg)
Farba vlasov Blonde
Farba oèí Hnedá
Known languages English, Serbian
Profesia Medicinska sestra
O vás Ozbiljna, emotivna, vredna - trazim musku osobu istih osobina.
H¾adám Muž
Blog Click here to see user`s blog
Forum posts 0
[Odosla správu]   [Chybný profil]

hi 06. Aug 2014. 18:33:40

Hi dear friend,

I’M Lt. General Eric Fiel, I am a UNITED STATE ARMY GENERAL, From united state of America, Am supportive and caring, looking forward to get a nice friend and I interest on you, I will like to establish mutual friendship with you, Please let continue our conversation through my private email box, Here is my email address (efforce (AT) h o t m a i l . c o m) I will introduce myself better and send you my picture as soon as i receive your mail.
Thanks and regards.

Lt. Gen. Eric Fiel.


. 10. Jan 2012. 12:31:04
da li si uvek tako lepa..

fino vece 08. Jan 2012. 18:23:10


beautiful 17. Sep 2011. 10:10:16

cao leptice 23. Aug 2011. 20:50:07


cao ,volim ozbiljnu i emotivnu ,,slicni smo 20. Aug 2011. 11:00:01


javascript:ins(’%20:computer:%20’,1) 19. Aug 2011. 01:24:27
hallo! javascript:ins(’%20%20’,1)

Pozdrav 18. Aug 2011. 10:21:59
Super su ti fotke!

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