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Femina Magazin


Ljubavni Sastanak na Fejsbuku
Svako vece od 20 casova okupljanje u Pricaonici. Dobrodosli!
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Profil ID#[0000220016]

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Total photos: 1  

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[Odosla správu]   [Chybný profil] Prístup nepovolený neregistrovaným
Nick dule2507
Meno užívate¾a Dušan
Dátum narodenia 25. Jú 1986.
Pohlavie Muž
Orientation Heterosexual
Typ vzahu romantika,vážny vzah,priate¾stvo,sex,for chat,for fun,for marriage
Krajina Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mesto Šamac
Výška 6'2" (188cm)
Váha 210 lbs (95kg)
Farba vlasov Brown
Farba oèí Hnedá
Known languages English, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian
Interests Cooking, Music - Country, Music - Rock, Outdoors, Sports (Playing), Sports (Watching), Travel / Sightseeing
O vás Volim druzenje, šalu i zezanje! Vrijedan i radišan!
Traži zensku osobu sli?nih osobina!
H¾adám Žena
Blog Click here to see user`s blog
Forum posts 0
[Odosla správu]   [Chybný profil]

Hi 10. Aug 2022. 22:49:45
I’m Monica, please forgive my manners. I came across your profile and became interested in you, my instinct keeps telling me that you are a nice person that I can trust. Please can you write to me through my email address
( # ) so we can get acquainted.

Best regards
Monica Gallegos


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