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Profil ID#[0000062186]
Total photos: 0
Activity board
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[Chybný profil]
Prístup nepovolený neregistrovaným |
Nick |
marko134 |
Meno užívate¾a |
marko |
Dátum narodenia |
24. Sep 1981. |
Pohlavie |
Muž |
Orientation |
Heterosexual |
Typ vzahu |
romantika,vážny vzah,priate¾stvo,for chat,for fun,for marriage |
Krajina |
Montenegro |
Mesto |
podgorica |
Výška |
6'0" (183cm) |
Váha |
195 lbs (89kg) |
Known languages |
Serbian |
Profesia |
menadzer |
Interests |
Cars / Motorcycles, Computers / Internet, Cycling, Dancing, Hiking / Camping, Ice / Snow Sports, Motor Racing, Mountaineering, Movies / Cinema, Museums / Galleries, Music - Alternative, Sports (Playing), Water Sports |
O vás |
iuuy uiiuyu uoiupoui uupu u |
H¾adám |
Žena |
Blog |
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Forum posts |
7 , Last post , Click here to see user`s forum posts |
[Odosla správu]
[Chybný profil]
Hello |
11. Nov 2015. 18:05:34 |
Hi dear, It is my pleasure meeting you, I am Gen Susan Helms, I am a United State Army officer, from united state of America, am supportive and caring, looking forward to get a nice friend, I read your profile here and pick interest on you, I will like to establish mutual friendship with you.Please let continue our conversation through my private email box, Here is my email address ( Susanhelms57/and/outl/o/o/k.c/o/m ) I will introduce myself better and send you my picture as soon as i receive your mail.I will love to meet you for a serious relationship, I come in contact with you and I really wish to indicate my interest although am not always available to write mail due to the condition of my duty.Yours, Gen Susan Helms.