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Profil ID#[0000196997]

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[Mesaj Gönder]   [Kötü Profil] Üye olmayanlara kapalý
Kullanýcý ID Saska1
Kullanýcýnýn Ýsmi Saska
Doðum günü 01. Eki 1970.
Cinsiyet Bayan
Orientation Heterosexual
Ýliþki Çeþidi Romantik,Uzun Süreli Ýliþki,Arkadaþlýk,for chat,for fun
Ülke Serbia
Þehir nije bitno
Boy 5'8" (173cm)
Kilo 145 lbs (66kg)
Known languages English, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, German
Hakkýnda prepustam drugima...
Aradýðýnýz Cinsiyet Bay
Blog Click here to see user`s blog
Forum posts 0
[Mesaj Gönder]   [Kötü Profil]

hi 06. Að 2014. 16:44:21
Hi dear friend,

I’M Lt. General Eric Fiel, I am a UNITED STATE ARMY GENERAL, From united state of America, Am supportive and caring, looking forward to get a nice friend and I interest on you, I will like to establish mutual friendship with you, Please let continue our conversation through my private email box, Here is my email address (efforce (AT) h o t m a i l . c o m) I will introduce myself better and send you my picture as soon as i receive your mail.
Thanks and regards.

Lt. Gen. Eric Fiel.


hi 06. Að 2014. 16:41:42
Hi dear friend,

I’M Lt. General Eric Fiel, I am a UNITED STATE ARMY GENERAL, From united state of America, Am supportive and caring, looking forward to get a nice friend and I interest on you, I will like to establish mutual friendship with you, Please let continue our conversation through my private email box, Here is my email address (efforce (AT) h o t m a i l . c o m) I will introduce myself better and send you my picture as soon as i receive your mail.
Thanks and regards.

Lt. Gen. Eric Fiel.


ja 11. Oca 2014. 09:27:56
drajo59 je moj skipe, pozovi me da æaskamo i družimo se, pozdrav, :-K :-K :-K

ljubim te 15. Haz 2013. 18:14:28
ja necu da te prosim
svratih da te ;-K gde najjj volis

i naravno za tebe :-K



cg 26. Nis 2013. 19:59:33
samo da se udas za mene i bilo bi super

Hello 25. Nis 2013. 18:42:55

cao 21. Nis 2013. 09:52:44
Dobar i razonodan dan! :hello:

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