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AssuntoHakovanje mobilnih telefona preko Bluetooth
MensagemOnce connected to a another phone via bluetooth you can:
- read his messages
- read his contacts
- change profile
- play his ringtone even if phone is on silent
- play his songs(in his phone)
- restart the phone
- switch off the phone
- restore factory settings
- change ringing volume
- And here comes the best
Call from his phone" it includes all call functions like hold etc.
1.) When connecting devices use a code 0000
2.) At start of ...
Autor: RedCoode Creation date: 12. Out 2010. 22:03:11Full text

AssuntoNove mogucnosti na sajtu - 20.05.2010.
MensagemNove mogucnosti za korisnike, a koje su to, sutra sledi nastavak..
Autor: mladja04 Creation date: 20. Mai 2010. 05:30:06Full text

Mensagemja sam kralj piraterije u celoj vojvodini
Autor: gooldgun Creation date: 08. Out 2009. 22:30:21Full text

AssuntoNovo izdanje sajta
MensagemPosle par dana nespavanja uspeo sam da osposobim sajt da funkcionise normalnije i bez kocenja, a uz to i da ga osvezim novim mogucnostima i pogodnostima za korisnike. Nadam se da ce se svima dopasti makar malo ova poboljsanja.
Autor: mladja04 Creation date: 20. Nov 2008. 02:10:27Full text

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