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ID anketa#[0000051911]

Fotogrāfiju kopums: 6
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[Nosūtīt īsziņu]   [Kļūdaina anketa] Piekļūšana viesiem ir aizvērta. Jums ir jāieiet sistēmā vai piereģistrējas.
Vārds starsica
Lietotāja vārds Teodora
Dzimšanas datums 08. Nov 1987.
Dzimums Sieviete
Orientācija Getero
Iepazīšanās mērķis draudzības attiecības,for chat,for fun
Valsts(Pilsēta) Serbia
Adrese Zar je bitno :)
Augums 5'6" (168cm)
Svars 145 lbs (66кg)
Matu krāsa Krāsots blondīņs
Acu krāsa Zils
Zinu valodas Angļu, Serbian, Spaniešu, Krievu
Darbs jednog dana.. ako, ako :)
Aizraušanās pikado, folklor.. i ne znam da li pod hobi moze da se svede veoma aktivno zezanje drugih ljudi.. pokusacu sa tim :)
Intereses Mājas dzivnieki, Biljards / Puls, Literatūra / Vēsture, Filmas, Muzeji / Galerija, Mūzika - Džezs, Mūzika - Klasika / Opera, Mūzika - Pop / R*B, Mūzika - Roks, Dāba, Nākts klubs, Lasīšana, Dziedāt, Brīvprātīgais, Joga
Par sevi Nisam ljuta, prirodno sam nadrkana.

Na veæinu poruka ne odgovaram.. Da ne mislite da ja mislim da vi smarate, mene samo mrzi da tipkam, posebno onima koji smaraju, a nemam srca da im kažem..

Ne govorim odakle sam. Da želim da se zna, pisalo bi u opcijama.

Ne tražim ništa na sajtu. Profil imam 9 godina ovde, naiðem jako retko, valjda kad me dekne nostalgija. Vi što lupate keèeve jer sam iskulirala poruku, budite mudati pa se predstavite, volela bih da znam kome su mošnice bile ogromne kad je keca lupio anonimno.
Jūs meklējat Vīrietis,Sieviete,Couple
Dienasgrāmata Uzspiediet šeit lietotāja dienasgrāmatas caurskatīšanai
Foruma īsziņas 2438 , Pēdējā īsziņa , Uzspiediet šeit, lai redzētu lietotāja īsziņas uz foruma
[Nosūtīt īsziņu]   [Kļūdaina anketa]

mila 10. Jū 2007. 02:47:26
Drago mi je sekice da ti se svidja bice ih jos ... ;-K te

:-) 09. Jū 2007. 22:13:27
evo ti jedna desetka


Only For My Sekica.... :.-M-.: 09. Jū 2007. 21:38:52

When she passes him by
She’s a ray of light
Like the first drop of sun
From the sky
And he knows she’s a queen
Who deserves a king
But he is not a king
And she doesn’t see him

When she dances
She moves him to a smile
He sees everything
Near her shine
There’s a grace in her ways
That he can’t contain
He has not that grace
Oh,he has not that grace

And the closer he gets
He can’t help but hide
So ashamed
Of his body and voice
There are boundaries
We pass in spite of the war
But our own
We can’t seem to cross

He has a way that surrounds him
So delicate
With a glory that reigns in his life
He is also so much that he is not
These things they don’t see
And she doesn’t see him
And she doesn’t see him

There are things we can change
If we just choose to fight
But the walls of injustice are high

When she passes him by
She’s a ray of light
Like the first drop of sun
From the sky
And he knows she’s a queen
Who deserves a king
Someone other than him
So different from him

She doesn’t see him
She doesn’t see him
She doesn’t see him


;-K te moja najdraza sekice


:) 01. Jū 2007. 02:05:49
Seko vidim da si pocela da se dopisujes sa moju suprugu ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K

hi 31. Mai 2007. 17:14:15
hello my sister just lnvite me to this site so am useing my sister account on this site the name of my sister is vivian but my name is daniel as my sister is browsing in this site i saw your pics and so attractive to men and i really like the qualities i saw in u danielluv_buks + y a h oo c o m

ljepa si 28. Mai 2007. 10:42:08
nebitno apsolutno koje si boje.



:) 27. Mai 2007. 14:05:42
seko moja nailepsa 10+ i puno poljubca za tebe ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K :-L :-L :-V :-K :-K :-K :-K :-V :-V ;-K ;-K :-L :-L :-L :-L :-V :-V :-V ;-K ;-K :-L :-L :-K :-K :-K

probaj obrijat glavu. 27. Mai 2007. 11:49:01


[B]Za yubiley!!![/B] 24. Mai 2007. 09:02:27
;-K :-K ;-K

Imash wishe stranica komentara neg’neke teme na forumu!!!


:) 22. Mai 2007. 18:06:14
10 + i veliki pozdrav za tebe ti si jedna od malo zenskih osoba iskrene u ovaj site poljubac za tebeeee ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K ;-K

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